Sep 11, 2006 21:54
I haven't made a post about school yet, huh?
Well, we'll have to fix that.
ART period A- First class of the day pretty much every day. That's good because I really don't have to think. I have Mr. McCoy... pretty nice but gets really into the classes. "Wooonderful concentration... Now look at that, isn't it just delightful? Tea? Tea anyone?!" All we really do is draw our hands, chairs, or boots but we're not allowed to look at the paper. Fun stuff.
Biology period B- ... I wonder if I can get away with calling him "Doc" or "Doctor Franz". I personally think he grades too hard. I mean, jeez, he counts off for punctuation.
Advisory: Ms. Schindler. Rocky, Nash W, Natasha, Blair, Benja, Daisy, me. Nobody ever brings food. But that's okay; we're too cool for food.
Geometry period C- I dun' think Ms. Burkhead likes me very much. Not sure why. I just never seem to really be interested in what she does because honestly, I'm not. Eh well. So far it's tolerable work. She's enthusiastic, which is good. It's also easy to get her onto tangents about Sienfeld, so that's a plus.
English period D- BEST. FUCKING. CLASS. EVER. Mr. Pomeroy is like... I don't know... a god among teachers, I suppose. Funny man. The best English teacher I've come across. ... Then again, aside from Ms. Bartels he's the only good english teacher I've come across. Ms. Hart was amazingly awesome but I don't really remember about her teaching skills. :\
History- ...Meh, it's history. Not much else to say. Mr. Baetz.
Spanish- Pretty cool... for spanish. The teacher is nice, Profesora Le'Mond
Soo... yeah. Now for the social part of school:
I'm getting better at the whole "social" concept. I've made a lot of new friends, I have a few choices of random groups that I can go join, hell, I feel that I could join any group right now any nobody would particularly mind. I think people have finally started maturing and accepting people. HAH! TAKE THAT! NYEAHHH~~
Kidding. -_-''
So yeah... I've been hanging out with Trey a lot lately. I see him often hanging around outside with nobody around so I go over and try and encourage him to talk to people, make friends, y'know? He's a great guy, he just needs to open up a bit. And learn to keep his KHS perv side inside.
I think "Benzinkanister" or "Ennui Eclipse" is finally over. No offense, Richard, but it's probably for the best. :\
I've also still been feeling kind of...weird the past few days. Like emotions are all mixed up and I can't seem to have the right emotional response for certain situations. My thoughts are jumbled and I often don't know what I was just talking about a moment before. Also, at night when I'm trying to go to sleep, I wake up and find that I had been saying stuff like "No", "Shut up", or "I'm sorry." Some sort of inner guilt, maybe? Whatever it is, it's really friggin' annoying and I want to get that resolved.
That's about it.