Best Color @ anime_iawards & 2nd @ pretear_awards

May 06, 2006 18:44

Best Use of Color @ anime_iawards week 2: Love

2nd @ pretear_awards week 22: Friendship

Other Awards

No more classes. No more AP tests. Graduation is just around the corner and I don't have to go to class anymore! ^_____^

Never ever ever start watching an anime series that hasn't been completely subbed and released. I'm dying for more Daa Daa Daa. I know fansubbers are busy and I cannot even express how much I appreciate what they do. So I hope that when they have another chance soon that they'll end the "stall" on this series. It is sooooo cute ^^. I've experienced the same problem with Shinshi Douemi Cross manga... that I've been downloading raws just so I can at least look at the pretty artwork from new chapters and get a slight sense of what's going on... even though I have NO idea what they're saying... -_-. I know people get busy (TRUST me, these last few weeks have been complete Hell for me. School is pretty busy anyway, but its been even worse recently... but its over now! *YAY*). So I will continue to wait patiently :). I love both of these series ^^.


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