My fandom exceeds me... @A@

Mar 07, 2009 18:03

Surprisingly the characters I find attractive were the smallest category for fanlistings so far.. Maybe I'm just picky, or weird. Or both..
In any case, still browsing the fanlistings. v.v God knows when I'll be done with that.
I have speakers now so I can probably upload my MP3s to my LJ soon.

So... I thought I'd make a rant as usual.
Got an Xbox360, Soul Calibur4, and FFIV for the DS. (Edward's not so useless anymore! =D *sparkles*) Also love how I get to walk around as my favorite characters instead of just the hero in these FF DS remakes for 3 and 4. Arc from 3 and Edward from 4 are my favorite. Anyone who knows me could probably assume that though.

I made Lyude from Baten Kaitos on Soul Calibur which came out really good. I'll probably post the character creation recipes somewhere on here eventually. Still so much to unlock, but we can't get the online stuff or most of the tower unlockables yet. Not until we save up for the new harddrive so it can even get online. And as for the tower, it's hard... But I managed to unlock 2 of those.

Oh right, and I'm getting a little sick, but so far just symptoms. I'm hoping it's just the spring-is-coming allergies. But I find that odd, I usually never have allergies.
And here is the main rant I originally wanted to start with, until the fanlistings and gaming distracted me: there are no youtube videos of the PSP remake of Star Ocean 2: "Star Ocean the second evolution" where you can hear Ashton's english voice.
(I'm surprised they made Claude's so meek, ah.. I still love him.)
But Ashton is my favorite character, and 2 people posted their playthroughs (one complete playthrough) and they just happened to recruit Opera and Ernest instead of Ashton! So now I can't know what his english voice sounds like (battle OR event..) until I buy it myself. Darn people... If anyone sees this and finds one / has seen one, just tell me already. (This may change in the future obviously, the game is fairly new.)


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