
Nov 30, 2013 21:25

So firstly, my boyfriend's stepfather passed away two nights before thanksgiving so that was pretty rough for his mom. In other news, my housemates-the boyfriend's brother, pregnant sister-in-law and his niece-have really gross habits. They like to leave dirty diapers laying around, they love to fill the sink traps with food scraps but not clean them, they trash the counters and the stove. They filled the dishwasher and didn't run it, they have food in the fridge thats going to start rotting soon, they love to leave food out-as in, crushed cereal all over the floor, cups have full of milk sitting around all day...we already caught a mouse, now I'm just waiting on the cockroaches to move in. It's driving me positively batty!

slight change of subject, the boyfriend decided to pay for a faction amd server transfer, and is paying for my wow subscription. Pretty epic from my point of view.  I've already gotten a bunch pf reps to exalted amd a bunch more mounts, And i've started studying how to really make money in this game.  I'm still a baby at it obviously but so it goes.  On the job hunt front I'm pretty much SOL, so i've decided to just not worry about it for a bit.  I'll get back to pounding the streets after the new year arrives.  Obviously my family ar only helping me in one way and thats holding onto my possessions until i can afford to move them to where i am, so with not having a job comes living off of food stamps. Exciting.

someday things will be better.
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