I really hate when peopel do this

Jun 15, 2011 00:26

Ok small little rant nothing big and OH MY GOD RUN kind of things. Also make sure to stick to the end there will be good news.

I hate and I do mean HATE when people say one thing and do something totally different then what they said they will do I honestly do. Here I will give you a small example even though I know it will piss the roomie off. But he left a NOTE on the FRIDGE tell me and my mate that we had to LEAVE the kitchen door open at night so that way he would not Sweat to death in his own damn room (( his words not mine )). So when he got home the other day the bedroom/kitchen door (( yes me and the mate sleep in the damn living room and that door is our only means of Private time.)) was left open so his bed room could get cooled down.

I kid you not not even 2 hours later he gets off of the video games here in the living room goes into his bed room and SHUTS THE DAMN DOOR. so I was like ok ok he might be getting undressed and into his night shorts. How ever the door never got reopened. So I got up and being the nice person I am I reopened it turned around and sat back down to watch the mate play some games. for about 45 minutes it stayed open. He once more got up walked over and SHUT the dame thing. So by now I thinking what the fucking hell you had to be a chicken shit and WRITE what you wrote instead to telling me in voice and now your shutting the god dame thing.

O swear I said nothing at the time just got up reopened it and sat back down. The fucker got up Gave me a go fuck off and fucking die look and all but slammed the dame door. I keep my mouth shut I did not want to start yet another fight in the apartment. So I left it be and said nothing and did nothing.

Ok here is the second part of this journal and yes sadly it is more ranting but still on a small scale. For the last 2 to 3 week I have not been able to go to bed at night. I been up all night until at lest 9.am to 12.pm and that is when I finally get to sleep just to wake up a few hours later I mean it like fall asleep at 12 and get up at like 4 or 5 just a few short hours. well for the last 4 to 5 days the Same roomie that is being a jerk about the door and Ac thing has also being making sure to make as much sound and racket as he can to wake me up. Normally I would say nothing about this at all. How ever his done it for 5 dang days in a row 5 of them now almost a week straight. So the other day I asked him to stop and be quite because me and the mate we do our damn hardest to be quite while he is asleep.

Now he did say sorry and he keep it down. How ever he wrote this on the same damn note that had the leave the damn door open so I won;t sweat to death crap on it. It said this consider this my way of getting back at you for making that list and writing what you did at the bottom of it ( Zing) (( what the FUCK dose ZING mean anyway )) Ok I can explain the list. It was our food list and he has a very very bad habit of coming in after we have written it and writing crap like get candy and doughnuts and soda HAR HAR onto the dame thing. So I kindly write Bobby please do not add anything else to this list. Nothing more nothing less. Yet he uses that as an excuse to wake me up for the last 5 days making shit tone of sound NO. I have not said anything to him about it because the mate has asked me not to but god I want to hit him I honestly do.

Ok now for the good news I promised. Today was my and my mates 1 year of being together as mates. SO I mad this really neat Jumbo like stuff spent 4 hours making the thing. It came out wonderful and made a awesome lunch for me and my love. Secondly the Mate going to be making me a neat birthday cake with the arts on it. I will try to take pictures of it and post them on here so you all can see it.

Well that's it I done well not yet 15 more days till my birthday YAY I am honestly looking forward to it for the first time in a long long time.
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