Jan 14, 2006 04:53
Geeze. I haven't been feeling well lately. I need to have the doc check my blood pressure. It was exceedingly high the other day when I was at the dentist.
I think a lot of it has to do with the divorce paperwork but I got great news in the mail yesterday. The dissolution was granted and the decrees were filed. I can't believe it. After all this time it has finally happened.
The dissolution was actually granted on the 29th of December. The paperwork was mailed to me by the lawyers in California on the 6th of January... the Feast of the Epiphany... how cool!
The shit did not get to me until yesterday.
The only thing left is that award from the judgment against my sister. The lawyer who has held it in escrow has released it to the lawyers who were handling the case. I got a letter from the escrow lawyer saying that she sent it but I noticed that the address was different from the two addresses our lawyers use. I called up my lawyers and they said they haven't had an office at the address on the letter for over a year. I got a headache immediately afterward.
Lawyers suck. And, they don't have any particular qualms about being incompetent either. No matter how incompetent they are they figure they still got you over a barrel because you've overpaid them already and you won't want to waste more money for a better one.