When the conventional "noes, my family disapproves of the one i love" narrative hits the heartfelt anguish in the lyric "I'm in love with a robot", even though the song's title is a bit of a spoiler, and even though this is such a worn cliché in electro, you are wormed inside such patent ridiculousness. You are ready to believe her. It's in the step-up in the bridge, "You’re the only one who makes me feel a thing", a warm wash of melody that gives me goosebumps.
Excellent. OTM. It's amazing how well this song works; well, it's amazing that in a pop world full of catchy melodies that this one manages to be more catchy and aching and poignant. This would have been in my top ten singles of the year or the decade even if only it had been a single. It is the first two songs on her MySpace (albeit in inferior remixes), so perhaps it is a personal favorite.
The lyrics are based on experiences and feelings that she had in the beginning of her teenage years. It's a combination of being unsure and naive. I am fascinated and inspired by the person I was then. She was carefree and would love to go back to being that person on this album.
Excellent. OTM. It's amazing how well this song works; well, it's amazing that in a pop world full of catchy melodies that this one manages to be more catchy and aching and poignant. This would have been in my top ten singles of the year or the decade even if only it had been a single. It is the first two songs on her MySpace (albeit in inferior remixes), so perhaps it is a personal favorite.
The lyrics are based on experiences and feelings that she had in the beginning of her teenage years. It's a combination of being unsure and naive. I am fascinated and inspired by the person I was then. She was carefree and would love to go back to being that person on this album.
Carefree and unsure, huh?
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