We're doing Black Pop History Month '78-'81 at the
People's Pop Polls, and here are three discoveries from '79, the latter two firmly in the category What Was THAT?
Paulette & Tanya Winley - Rhymin' & Rappin'
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Tanya's the great discovery here, less grab-you-in-the-face than Roxanne Shanté, but she raps with the same insistent glue, our attention immediately glomming onto her. Her counting up the years at the end just presses and presses and presses, then the tape runs out.
Little Scotty - Going To A Disco To-Night
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Sounds like a saloon in an old western movie right before the fight breaks out. Not sure what they gain from the last three minutes, though (they're sweeping up broken glass and the piano player keeps going).
Ayisha - Space Man
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Lyrics have her observing from outer space, but it's more like she's down in the Mariana Trench gurgling her way upward.
[EDIT: Oops. Looks like I misattributed the year for "Space Man."
It's 1978.]
This entry was originally posted at
https://koganbot.dreamwidth.org/391336.html. Comments still welcome here, there, and anywhere.