Trevor says, in his
writeup about JJ Project's "Bounce," that:
"For me, there's nothing sadder than, say, a couple of self-described 'punks' arguing about what 'real punk rock' is and is not."
Guess you have to count me among the sad, then, since that's exactly what I was doing the other day when talking about Screeching Weasel and Britney in my "
Are We NOT MEN?" post. (Ctrl-F "Screeching Weasel" and don't neglect to click the link to my
2007 Blackout ballot.)
I don't dislike "Bounce" (especially not outraged by any genre busting), though the track doesn't drive me, either. But the more abstract Trevor gets in his reasoning, the more I want to argue with it. Except what I'd rather do is prod him to argue with himself. So what I'd say to Trevor is: Ask yourself what questions would be most troublesome for your argument, and what counterarguments would be the strongest, richest, and deepest. I'll say as an aside - and this is an observation, not a criticism - that at least some of the terms you use to praise JJ Project feel very Sixties, very rock. [This video is age restricted and only watchable on YouTube, so click the link.]