Yet more excitement on the Billboard chart!
Just kidding. But a couple of pieces of good news: (1) Eight or so months after release, Sunny Sweeney's "From A Table Away" is still rising on both Country Songs (up to 13) and the Hot 100 (up to 80), and her EP is out - the scintillatingly titled Sunny Sweeney EP - which is either a sign that they're drumming up support for her second album, when they release it sometime or other, OR that they're still insisting she prove herself commercially before they commit to releasing the thing. Whoever "they" are. (2) Jeremih's "Down On Me" still seems not to have peaked, up to 28 with a bullet. So, for those of you who live and die by what I put on my year-end lists, I've officially deemed it eligible for 2011, despite its September 2010 release.
Plain White T's "Rhythm Of Love": Guitar comes on small, strummed like a ukulooloo, a bit skifflish, this, Lopez's voice a semi-scratch, doesn't get in anyone's way, doesn't galvanize either. I don't hate it. NO TICK.
Train "Marry Me": Oh yeah, I forgot. It's February. Happy Halloween. NO TICK.