For fans of sputter, phlegm, and lilt, an opportunity to hear my actual voice actually on tape will present itself to you in an hour and a half, if you tune in to
Resonance FM, which you can do by... I'm not sure... clicking on the link and finding the stream at 7 PM London time, which is 2 PM New York time, which is noon if you are sitting atop Pike's Peak; anyhow, the biblically named Elisha interviewed me for 40 minutes yesterday, which interview he [has condensed/is busy condensing] into a nail-biting ten minutes, after which there will be commentary and agreement and disagreement from an esteemed panel including The Lex and Magnus and someone else, I think. And if (like me) you have a conflict that prevents you from listening at the allotted hour, the entire adventure will become a podcast posted on Freaky Trigger, I think, possibly findable in a few days if you click
this tag, perhaps.
Subject will be what it was like for me to engage in music when I was a tyke. Here's a video, though it's not of me:
[video missing]
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