Never scared

May 16, 2010 01:05

During the opening acts, I spent a lot of mental energy trying to figure out who the apparent celebrity was in my section, a young redheaded woman who people kept flocking to for autographs and photos. During the "small club" portion of the show, her identity was revealed: Swift's friend Abigail, the one she wrote the song "Fifteen" about ("Abigail gave everything she had to a boy who changed his mind / we both cried"). She and her friends had front-row seats for the smaller stage, where Swift sang directly to Abigail the song she wrote about her.
--Dave Heaton, from a fascinating account in Pop Matters of a Taylor Swift show, watching her work the crowd and also work the theme of dreams versus reality, of perfection (what her voice isn't) versus emotional effect (her actual singing).

taylor swift

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