Rules Of The Game #9: The Teens Are Cool But They Burn Out

Aug 02, 2007 07:26

The Rules Of The Game #9: The teens are cool, but they burn out

I make a bunch of bald statements many of which I barely even try to explain much less support. Which means I've got lots of bones I can put flesh on in the future, if I can find the right skin for 'em.

But here's a bone that's especially worth getting some flesh, fat, and muscle from you guys: If you were to form a band, what would it sound like? An implication of what I've written here is that, though I love hearing scads of modern music, I can't imagine myself making any of it. To paraphrase Pink, it's so pretty (or icy or funny or brutal) but it just ain't me.

This isn't necessarily so different from how I felt 27 years ago when I was looking for fellow musicians by placing ads along the lines of "Teena Marie meets Johnny Rotten On The Corner" or was calling for the great James Brown-Stooges fusion. (Ironically, when the JB-Stooges fusion actually came along - Public Enemy, say, or Phuture - I was a lot less interested than I'd expected to be. By then I wanted Public Enemy to meet L'Trimm in Judy Torres' bodega.) I wasn't calling for such an amalgam out of any commitment to eclecticism, but because I couldn't imagine myself doing any of the available musics straight up.

(Meet Brie Larson and Lisette Melendez in your own kitchen.)

EDIT: Here are links to all but three of my other Rules Of The Game columns (LVW's search results for "Rules of the Game"). Links for the other three (which for some reason didn't get "Rules Of The Game" in their titles), are here: #4, #5, and #8.

UPDATE: I've got all the links here now:

ashlee, rotgut, john shanks, aly & a.j., rolling stones, rules of the game

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