Another Nonapology Apology From
I apologize to the pap for a stunt that was done 4 months ago regarding an umbrella. I was preparing my character for a role in a movie where the husband never plays his part so they switch places accidentally. I take all my roles very seriously and got a little carried away. Unfortunately I didn't get the
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Didn't think it was as clever as you did. You said:
I don’t suppose you can make consistently good music with a whole bunch of different collaborators without having some smarts, somewhere.
But I don't suppose you can consistently "come across as a typically self-addled, self-deceiving ditz" without actually being one; I think you may be too quick to give her credit, too quick to conflate your interpretation with her intent. (This statement can also apply to you + Ashlee.) Which is not to say that she can't have some smarts, or be making some sort of statement about the media circus--just that, given her history, I don't think she's capable of being as sharp as you think she is.
Plus, it's not as if the joke (on Lindsay, on the media, on whomever) hasn't been made before, in the same stylized, mocking ditz-speak, even.
This apology is an apology! Disappointing. It's not about true vs false, for me, it's about apology vs. non-apology, "I'm sorry for my actions" vs. "I'm sorry...for you. Smell ya later."
Of course, some self-addled ditzes are very intelligent, just not high on the self-insight scale (I'm not necessarily claiming such intelligence for Britters, but I really liked the social instinct that went into the album-title poll).
Ashlee on the other hand is clearly intelligent, the question is whether she'll be the probing intellect I want her to be, rather than just a woman who sometimes feels her way into sudden poetry in regard to her relationships with guys, and forces or inspires her collaborators to outdo themselves. I've been disappointed in all the singers I've had intellectual hopes for.
I wish you would watch The Ashlee Simpson Show.
I admit that I could be giving Ashlee too much credit, but her role in the production process, as I previously understood it, is pretty well backed up by the show. (If anything, I wasn't giving her enough songwriting credit, because the two songs we see her write and create the demo for, "Unreachable" and "Surrender," were written without Kara, before she even met Kara. The former before she met John.) Unless these are straight-up LIES, which would be possible, I guess, but I mean what would be the point? It's not like someone else is singing all the songs or fucking up in the studio and being hard on herself or scribbling lyrics or shooting the shit with the producers trying to feel out the song. Do wish there was much more documentation of the latter part, though.
But anyway, in regard to Britney, maybe she genuinely thinks she owes people apologies, or explanations. I guess the thing is, maybe if I were in her situation I'd do supersmart things that were way smarter than what Britney's doing. But I'm not in her position, which is to say I'm not in a position where my defiance means a big deal to anything (that was the real point of my piece), and people like me - or my social set, whatever it is - have managed to find ways to put ourselves in negligible positions so that our defiance/acquiescence/whatever means zilch. I don't mean that we lack fame, I mean... what do I mean? In any event, Britney, strangely, is in a position where her smarts, such as they are, seem to signify. Even if she is a ditz. Even if she never does anything smart again.
My only clue how to act smart now, for me, is not to sneer - not to sneer at Britney and not to sneer at the people who sneer at Britney. But I'm glad Britney's sneering at Hilary.
I wanted to re-watch episode four before I replied to your post about it, but: the thing that gets me about Ashlee is that, yes, she's fighting to make her album her way, but "her way" is so vague. ("I want to make a rock record," she says, but doesn't tell a potential producer what kind of rock she means.) I don't get a sense that she has a specific sound she's going for--she never brings up Garbage or Hole, does she, just latches onto it when someone else points out the similarities? And she doesn't settle on a sound till she hooks up with John Shanks. She can be insincere ("Ryan's my best friend and I love him...he didn't get me a Valentine's gift, I'm so over him!") and entitled ("Mama, I don't want an album if he's going to make me do pop!"). And she doesn't really take what happens in stride--in interviews after the fact she says some nice things, but she's stressed and scared as things happen, probably because she isn't given time to learn.
I don't see, watching the show, that Ashlee is an artist who had something to say, and fought to be able to say it. I see that it was the other way around--she fought to be able to say something, and figured out later what "something" was, with a lot of prompting and pushing.
It's not that I think she's not bright or complex--she had a hand in "La La" and "Love Me for Me," and John/Kara/etc. didn't pull these ideas out of nowhere, and her pre-John/Kara/etc. songs (what little we saw of them) hit just as hard, too. But she doesn't strike me as bright enough to have come up with it all on her own, and I think it's disingenuous to say her fighting is documentation of her authenticity. She's also got documentation of her brattiness and lack of skills/experience, so...
Kara doesn't appear again--she briefly shows up in the John Shanks love montage in episode three, then she's in the studio and at Ryan's show in episode four.
But brattiness and lack of skills and experience aren't related to brightness or complexity, in fact contribute to those things. Like the fact that she'd never performed before and was handed a showcase and (seemed to) tear the roof off tha mutha. And she's dealt with her entitlement ("I've got more than anyone should") and with her bratiness ("Get out/ come back") and insincerity ("you want my autobiography? Baby, just ask me," right after "You think you know me? Word on the street is that you do..."). And her fighting only goes to prove that what other people SAY about her is patently idiotic -- I don't make huge claims for Ashlee, but I do think that she has much much more input than most people give her credit for (i.e., zero). I think that you're underestimating how intensely people in my neck of the woods hate hate hate hate her! (Just from having conversations about her, with real people, not internet-people.)
You're right, it does fit seamlessly with stuff like "Love Me for Me," and that's why I don't think she had zero input--but because I've seen her say petulant shit like "then I don't want an album," and refer to fifteen or twenty different "best friends," I don't think she's particularly sincere or driven to make music, either. (She says it herself: she could be an actress instead, for all she cares.) The show supports "inauthentic" just as much as it supports "authentic."
(I don't think she tore the roof off that showcase, at least not in the way they wanted us to think she did, either. The editing was too weird.)
Maybe I am underestimating the hate, but then again I used to hate her too (even if I did like her show). The funny thing is, when I hated her as a musician, the show had me inching toward liking her. Now that I like her as a musician, the show has me inching back toward hate.
I think I imprinted on Ashlee when I heard "I walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep" (which, oddly enough, came after I'd already reviewed the subsequent album), and then I basically fell in love when "So if you're listening, there's so much more to me you haven't seen" sunk in, so I want her to be that person, and to be the mastermind, even. And I don't see her being that person and her being a petulant brat are incompatible, any more than writing what I write and being a petulant brat are incompatible ("OK, then I won't write the piece" isn't exactly foreign to my thinking), and one person's petulance is another integrity. BUT, it seems to me that if "Ashlee" is something of a group achievement that various handlers and producers and writers and bizzers created, with Ashlee merely the nexus-vortex, then in some ways that's an even better story, all those contrary hands creating an interestingly complex, winning character. Either way, Ashlee being Ashlee on the one hand or music pros creating "Ashlee" on the other, it's art, and very human, and something the evil biz is supposedly incapable of nurturing or creating. And I don't see that John Darnielle or Craig Finn or whoever today's officially great songwriters are supposed to be are doing half as well (though I suppose I could study them more). No one since Eminem, actually. (Which isn't to say that great songwriters X and Y aren't there; I jus haven't found 'em.)
Important to note that it is quite possible for Ashlee, on her second tour which I saw, anyway, to tear the roof off tha mutha. That sequence didn't give a great feel for the performance, but they also didn't hesitate to show BAD performances directly before and after that event, either.
I mean, I believe it's possible for her to tear the roof off--beyond the Orange Bowl and every ending note, I've never seen her suck, and almost always seen her rock--but the MTV editing is so sketchy, I figure something must have been up. (But then again, this was pre-SNL, when they weren't trying to prove she could sing live, so maybe they were just piping in album tracks for the sake of piping in album tracks. But they piped them in selectively, so I don't know.)
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