Alison did a good job on "
Cry Baby" by burnishing it in her throat rather than trying to out-shout Janis. Thought she was the only one who belonged up there. I don't know if this'll save her from going home, however. Adam proved he could sing loud and hit the notes on a "Whole Lotta Love," but he wasn't thrilling and if you're not thrilling you can't do that song. Together on "Slow Ride" they were so what, Allison more forceful and natural than Adam. Kris and Danny on "Renegade" were a pleasant surprise, Kris's boybandishness mitigating Danny's roughness, and I discover that I like the song. Who knew? Not enough to listen to it a third time, however. Kris was weak on "Come Together" but trying to be anything but weak on it would have been worse, and there was a nice part where his voice went deep and up like Michael Jackson. I wish the band had been quieter so that he wouldn't have had to pretend to rock, and he should have picked another song. Danny was bearable on "Dream On" and deserves points for assaying the high notes at the end. Disappointing week, though, since I was expecting more creativity from Kris and more dominance from Adam.
Good: Allison
Entertaining: Kris 'n' Danny duet
Mediocre if even that: Kris, Danny, Allison 'n' Adam duet, Adam
I really can't predict who'll be sent off. I'd assume that Adam is safe owing to his past glories (a couple of which really were excellent) and for being loud. Allison deserves to stay on the basis of her strong performances over the last two weeks, but I don't trust the voters. And not comprehending Danny's appeal, I can't guess how his performance played. So Kris, Allison, or Danny could go.