I Am Scared (single edit)

Apr 25, 2009 16:50

I Am Scared (the single edit, rather than the full-length album version)

On Monday I was scared, the next day was Tuesday and I was also scared, the day after that was Wednesday and I was as scared as I'd been on Tuesday. Then we jump to Thursday, and Thursday was a day of many fears. This led on to Friday, a day I approached with foreboding, and with good reason, for there were many things to be frightened of. But how about Saturday? Man, Saturdays make me uneasy, and not just the nighttime. Morning has its terrors, and lunch, well, lunch is no picnic, if you know what I mean, and afternoons, jeesh, they make me shiver. But after Saturday we had Sunday, a day I'd honestly rather forget; it wasn't one of calm and ease, I'll tell you that. And then there was Monday again, and Tuesday through Friday, and then the weekend, oh the weekend, I'd say more but this is the short version, so suffice to say it's Monday again and I'm scared.


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