Tom's been posting on both his Tumblrs about "opinion leaders," his questions seeming to be: to what extent are there such creatures; do those outfits who claim to have the special ability to identify opinion leaders actually know what they're doing; and where these creatures have apparently been identified, is there any special value in trying to
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Perhaps the envoy who serves two masters is secretly trying to become his own man.
Can there, someday - after you've written your book and mastered Kuhn, of course (or not) - be a Mark Sinker Anatomy Of Influence to supersede the flawed Bloomian Anxiety of same?
(i don't actually so much mind the musicians themselves using formulae like this to fend off the request that they analyse themselves -- there's a superstition there which isn't going to be shkaen, in many foax, and is not necessarily usefully shaken in others... a lot of makers aren't particularly useful critics of themselves, even if they are (bloom would say) by definition critics, strong or weak, of those they put themselves in inspirational relationship with
ASHLEE CONFESSES: "I'm a huge fan of female singers like Etta James and Courtney Love."
I have to admit that this confession makes me love Ashlee. So few singers can bring themselves to promote OTHER artists, and I think it's refreshing to read about Ashlee gushing over her favorite female singers. To me, that just gives Ashlee more credibility, and just moved her up a few notches in my book.
Franco Frau 2 years ago
One of the most original and influential guitarists in rock history
Comrade Xenuuu 1 year ago
Influential is pushing it, but I agree that's he's brilliant.
(Unfortunately, we get this from Wikipedia: "His poetic lyrics, coupled with his accomplished and original guitar playing, are highly influential and widely praised in the music media.")
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