Am embarking on a project of rereading Thomas Kuhn and so I'm starting a Thomas Kuhn reading group here in Denver. The group so far consists in its entirety of me and my friend David (the fellow who taught the intro to philosophy course I audited last semester) and isn't likely to grow, so I'm adding an online component. As always, I'm open to
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There is another, more difficult, problem for experts in this kind of conversation. Not a great parallel, but if I am talking about a cartoonist to another expert (if you'll forgive my claiming that status) I might reference a number of artists they have learnt something from, mentioning the narrative flow and use of light of Eisner and the dynamic anatomy of Gil Kane and the action choreography of Ditko and so on, and the same for writing and for characters and so on, without explaining what I mean by narrative flow in this context or who Eisner is or why he was important or what the similarities are or how the newer cartoonist uses these techniques. Now if I'm talking to someone less expert, I have the choice of not mentioning this at all or explaining all of this. If I'm writing a quick post on LJ, it'll be the former most times. An expert sees so many aspects and tangents and connections, and it can be hard to get the right balance between discussing the ideas reasonably fully without spending days writing thousands of words.
Obviously I am in the equivalent position, in this discussion, of never having heard of Ditko or Eisner or having a clue what many of the specialist terms mean - perversely, this can mean a tendency to overuse some of the ones I have some grasp of, but it mostly means I soon get lost when the specialist terms start taking over, which I think they did on your ILX Kuhn thread.
*hyphens, classic or dud?
Also, I misstated a few things about Aristotle (I should have talked about a general concept of change, rather than calling everything "motion"), none of which harm the point I was making at all.
"the road since structure" here
"black body theory" here
"copernican revolution" here
"structure" not previewed :(
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