Feb 24, 2012 01:33
When you requested help on internet then take it for granted.
-When you said you'd be living on the street if no one helps you out
-Said you'd have no way to go to work if you don't get this car right now
-Only paid attention to me on IMs right after you received my help, then lost all the interests to even want to keep in touch later.
and in the end, you have extra change to even buy art !!?!?!?
and so on.
-I could use it and make it grow $0.01 a month, if I put it in savings account
-I could get more gas and more groceries without worrying my budges
-I could commission some sexy arts, and attracts tons of people's attention
-I could give those money to lions and tigers and Red Cross that whom only really needs enough foods and space to live
-I could use it for my next con
and so on.
Although I don't make a lot of money, but I usually save up very little bit every two or three months and put it in paypal, in case some art commission opens, I can jump on it; or if anyone need emergency fund, I could toss some and chip in for help. Heck people kept on saying furry is one close big family and we all help out each other, I still keeping this idea in mind and spare some to whomever came across my path.
Hope you agree with me, we done enough sympathy comments like "I wish I could help, but..." and I decided to jump in and help what I can, more practically. If you give $5 out, that's $5 gain person can use for food, or more than a gallon of gas. If you drinks coke everyday, save your soda money from lunch for 5 days, you will then have that 5 dollars to be someone generous!
Another idea I didn't "just" help because we are all furs. If I were too in a tight spot it's probably going to be me out there ask for help, and before this day will hopefully never come, who knows if I will eventually need help? Why not help others out today and being helped tomorrow? When it's finally my time to ask for help, I'd be able to raise my paw to take your money with out a shame because, and I'd felt earned that help in return from helping others.
Unless it's something big or $$ going towards someone I fully trust, I never passed on any big number donations in the past. I might felt good for the fact be able to help, but never really felt proud about it. I just want people to respect themselves more. If you were the one saying "NO MONEY", save some if you can even afford food or cons; if you were the one saying "HELP", go sell something or offer a promised payment in return, have some dignity and don't ask for free. Time is not easy for anyone right now, you won't know if you are end up saving to help others, or really, yourself.
What's your view on helping and donating to fellow furrys? If you are making some more money than the rest of the community, do you feel obligated to help and make it for better use (9 out of 10 times), than keeping it to your personal use? And what would YOU do if it is you who needs money? Let's say, for "emergency" ?
(If you make more money than I do, then why am I the one feel obligated to help ??????)
Sorry for being a moneynazi here and I didn't even gave big LOL, but god, have some respect for what's given will ya? Or should I really tell you how to live your life? And sorry there will no next time.
[story time!] When I ideally passing a piece of gold to you, I don't expect to get it back but really expect you keeping it for only a while, then passing it on to the next person. All I want is everyone along the way carry a little gold dusts in their paws, remind them they can help others too, instead of one folk rolling him/herself a pair of golden gloves with it.