The Lady of the Lake: 2.09 Merlin

Nov 22, 2009 21:45

Well, not much happened in this episode, except we got to see our sweet Merlin really, really, like a girl for the first time.

Merlin was immediately attracted to Freya when he sees her in the cage. I believe that he figures out that she is magical by the tattoo on her arm. I hate to bring this up, but the attraction between Merlin/Freya made more sense than Arthur/Gwen. I know, I just don't like them together at all. It makes no sense whatsoever! Anyway, I am not sure what Arthur sees in Gwen, except an idealistic version of what not being a Prince is like; ie. less pressure, goodness, honesty w/out all the strings attached. So, I don't feel it w/them; I do feel her and Lancelot, and Arthur/Morgana.

Back to our sweet Merlin, who felt like he had finally met someone w/whom he made an immediate connection. Let's say even if Morgana knew Merlin was magical, she is in a completely different position both as Uther's ward, and her own feelings about that, amongst other things. Freya, well she made him feel good. Someone he could show magic to, and how fun and beautiful it is; he can't do that w/anyone. He seems so young, and it was mesmerizing to see him move the flames from the candles, but in an innocent, "awakening" of feelings kind of way. It was not at all like the Morgana/Arthur armor scene, or the Morgana/Uther scene when he pushes her hair back. Those scenes showed a sexual connection, that make Arthur and Morgana seem older than Merlin; when I believe they are the same age.

Freya, although cursed, felt the same way about Merlin, because she never had anyone who made her feel that good either. I think she was magical correct? That was how she accidentally killed the son of a sorceress, and was thus cursed. They were both outsiders in their own way, so Merlin, while also being attracted to her, thought he had finally met a companion, someone w/whom he could be 100% himself. He, like Morgana, was ready to run away from all those who love him, to be w/someone who accepted him, and be somewhere he felt that he belonged. Plus, he probably thought he was in love w/her which showed how young he is, as they try to do w/Arthur and Gwen, but too late! You shouldn't have had Arthur look all lusty in the armor scene, kinda ruined that idea.

I was not too harsh about Morgana wanting to abandon all those who love her, and I won't be about Merlin. He has to hide, hold himself back all the time, even though he has learned, how many times now? How costly his little slips can be to other people. It's probably almost like having to hold your breath, as magic is like breathing for him. Freya had to die because of the curse, and she wanted to die. I looooved:

How as the magical creature, she became calm, and tame, when she saw Merlin.
How Merlin took food from Arthur, and stole a really pretty dress from Morgana, so they could escape.How he made her feel and look like a princess, and they imagined where they could live together, forever

I am giving him a pass on his trespasses this episode, as they were minor, and harmless. Arthur got over the food, and I am sure Morgana would get over the dress.

I was so sad for Merlin that Freya died, but he gave her peace and love. She gave him his first taste of love, but it also made him feel sorry for himself and want to be a brat and use magic. I don't blame him, he's young, and frustrated, and he's allowed. I can't give him any more breaks on messing up; too many people have died, or almost did, when he does so freely. But, now we know, how we will have our Lady of the Lake. As we know in some legends, it is the Lady, who gives the sword to Arthur from the lake; that famous pale, thin arm giving, and receiving Excalibur from the water. We also know that he and Arthur have a very important ally. We know that the sword, is special, and they will need it against foes like Mordred, Morgause, and I fear, the Dragon.

But, as I said w/Morgana, she realizes upon her return from the Druids, for about thirty seconds, she was wrong about Uther. But I am not sure she realizes how much the rest of the fab 4 love and respect her; except for Gwen. Merlin, like Morgana, realizes when Arthur comes in, sits down, and pretty much, in the man way, says he knows something has been up and he's upset. Gives him a noogie, and he gives Merlin his list of duties, which is how he shows that he loves him. Merlin realizes that although he can't use magic, he does have people who care for him, deeply, and we see it again, when Gaius hugs him while he cries.

I found it quite funny that Arthur started to believe that he really was fat, oh how vain is our adorable Prince! I love that he treated Merlin just like a younger brother. I can't wait to see their relationship evolve into equals, as I think that is what will eventually happen as Arthur will begin to rely on Merlin, more and more. I do not think that his knowledge of who Merlin really is will cause a rift between them, I have a feeling it will be what makes them equals and best friends;especially when he learns that Merlin is really his guardian, not his servant. After all, who else could Arthur talk about his feelings w/? Who else could he whine about his humiliation of losing a challenge to a woman?

Although this was not one of my fave epis, It reminds us again, how young all our players really are. We have seen major growth in Arthur, and I always thought Gwen was the most mature, next to Morgana. I have to say that the one thing the writers are very good at is showing how our characters are growing, but remind us, how young they still are either emotionally, or when they make rash decisions, like Merlin and Morgana. They also remind us of how right Gauis is, when he says that Arthur is not ready to be King.

Next week, I would expect to see Morgana, not Gwen, (who we disappointingly see in the previews), helping Arthur out of his enchantment. Plus, it looks like we will FINALLY see some real fooling around for a change; I was wondering when that would finally happen. My concern in seeing Gwen, is that shouldn't Morgana be having her dreams about Arthur? She did the last time he was enchanted. If not, than I know the writers have once again lacked character continuity, and not continued the development of Morgana, ie, having dreams about protecting Arthur. One of my favorite Morgana moments is when she threatens Sofia (elegantly of course) that if she hurts Arthur, she will hunt her down, and kill her, no matter how long it takes, and than walks away like a queen. That's the girl I miss! We know they dropped Arthur/Morgana, but she could always be considered one of his "angels" like Merlin; ie. he is unwittingly saved by magic. Now I am all about Morgana/Uther, but that's for my other post.

Plus, what is up w/the Pendragon boys getting enchanted all the time? None of the ladies seem to be having such issues as of late. :-). So here's to next week!!

morgana/arthur, tv: merlin s2

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