Talk about your sobering realizations. Remember way back at
Observations Seven and Eight, where I talked about knowing oneself?
Turns out I don't know myself as well as I thought. I see myself as consisting of four basic elements that can be "known": The Physical, the Spiritual, the Intellectual, and the Emotional. Overall I'm pretty self-knowledgeable. But let's look at the breakdown of assessments:
Self-knowledge of the Physical: 70%. I have no idea why some aspects of my body are the way they are. If I had more medical education, that might be different.
Self-knowledge of the Spiritual: 90%. I know pretty darn well what I believe, and why. There are a couple of small iffy areas, though, and I always have to allow for Spiritual growth invalidating some things in the future.
Self-knowledge of the Intellectual: 95%. I know how I think, and why I think that way, and what problems are caused by my thinking that way, and what ways in which I wish I would think differently, and why I still don't. What I don't know is why I think so much to begin with.
And now, the kicker:
Self-knowledge of the Emotional: 20%. I just realized that I'm constantly running on Emotional Overdrive, constantly throwing every fiber of my feelings into anything and everything I care about. I have no clue as to why. I don't even know what half of these feelings are, or why I care about some things as much as I do. I also don't know the limit of my emotions--I seem to have an inexhaustible supply, and they seem to gush out everywhere and onto anything or anyone coming into contact with me, leaving me not just emotionally invested, but an emotional mass-market capital powerhouse monopolist. And I'm perplexed. I have NO IDEA how or why or when this came to be, and I'm also unsure what to do about it.
It's true what they say about the most important lessons at college not being learned in the classroom.