(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 17:37

... In case anybody is wondering why they've been seeing me around the school, it'd seem that I've apparently been chosen for the wonderful position as a teacher's aide for one of my old professors, a decision that I'm told was approved by my father. ... Pre-approved, even, meaning that this was decided on BEFORE they called me Monday morning and asked me to come in for a "conversation". Would've been nice if someone had WARNED me, but the excuse here was that I was so busy with getting my apartment together that they couldn't POSSIBLY interrupt me! ... Y'know, one would think that being hired for a job out of the blue would be something of at least MILD importance, but maybe not.

Either way, I delivered my very first academic lecture today since Hayakawa-sensei had something going on at home that he needed to take care of. It went ... er, as well as can be expected, I guess. The level of interest displayed was normal, as far as 1st year university students go (Are we DONE yet?), and some kids even asked questions afterwards, so I guess I didn't suck too badly. They learned about basic law lingo, and I learned why most people in the education business are alcoholics. Fair enough.

... So, my dreamy lover runs off with the school staff, and I end up marrying a corpse. That is anti-climatic.

The new apartment, by the way, is beginning to look like civilized human beings might be able to reside there, so I'm making progress. The guy who manages the building seems to be scared of me, though. Oops.

[Private to Self]
... Well, I don't know what else I expected from my father, but at least I'm handling it with more finesse and less negativity and drama than I thought I would.

... Paperwork. Blagh. How this prepares me for being a headmaster of a school is beyond me.

private, hayakawa-sensei, apartment, school, work, meme

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