(no subject)

Mar 19, 2007 04:09

So my weekend was busy - I spent the majority of it moving my things out of the dorms and back home, all the while wondering why I brought so much crap with me when I knew I wasn't going to be staying for a horribly long while. I'm sure it made sense to me at the time ... bah, anyway. I am now officially a graduate! All of my pain and suffering is OVER, and I am RELIEVED. Just be glad that I spared you the big bold font and the sparkletext to emphasis this.

I'm going to be spending the rest of spring break looking for an apartment. What with how Pop's been acting, I almost feel like I'm loitering or something.


1. You hung out with?: Ayame.

2. You texted?: Er ... I don't do it often enough to really keep track, but if it was anyone at all, it was probably Botan.

3. You were in a car with?: Myself.

5. Went to the mall with?: ... I can't remember. It's been a while.

6. You talked on the phone to?: Botan, last week.

7. Made you laugh?: Ayame.

8. person you hugged?: Botan, before the school closed.

9. You cried with?: ...

10. Told you they loved you?: No one.

11. Person you kissed?: Ayame.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Neither.

2. Be serious or be funny?: I'd rather strike a good balance between the two of them.

3. Drink whole or skim milk?: Whole.

4. Die in a fire or get shot?: Not on MY watch.


1. Sun or moon?: Sun.

2. Winter or Fall?: Fall.

3. Left or right?: Right.

4. Sunny or rainy?: Sunny.

6. Where do you live?: Sado.

7. How many kids do you want?: ... I'm rather allergic to children especially ROBOT children, so I haven't even considered it. Maybe a few in the future.

8. Do you want to get married?: Someday, perhaps.

9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl.

10. Have you ever eaten SPAM?: Er ... no.

12. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Not in the mood to go down wandering around a pitchblack hallway just to check.

13. Do you cook?: Yes.

14. Current mood?: Happy Bored.

In the last 48 hours have you..

1.Kissed someone?: No.

2. Been hugged?: Yeah.

3. Missed someone?: No.

4. Danced Crazy?: No.

5. Cried?: No.

6. Lied?: No.

7. Liked someone you can't have a chance with?: Apparently not. :P

1. Closest red thing to you?: A pen.
2. Last thing to make you angry?: It was nothing.
3. Do you have a temper?: ... Maybe?
4. Are you a fan of romance?: Somewhat No.

1. Closest orange thing to you?: Nothing that I can see.
2. Do you like to burn things?: No.
3. Dress up for Halloween?: ... yes, actually. Botan forced me to dress up as Tuxedo Kamen once. It was ... interesting, but I don't think I'm going to be making a habit out of it.
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person?: I have my moments.
5. Are you usually full of energy?: HAH! I mean ... no, not really.

1. Closest yellow thing to you?: No yellow things in here.
2. Favorite holiday: Onidaiko.
3. Are you a coward?: Sometimes No.

1. Closest green thing to you?: The walls.
2. Do you care about the enviroment?: Yes.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now?: No.
4. Are you a lucky person?: Not from what I've observed.
5. Do you always want what you cant have?: Apparently not.
6. Do you like being outdoors?: Sure.
7. Are you Irish?: No.

1. Closest blue thing to you?: My jeans.
2. Are you good at calming people down?: Actually, I think I end up stressing them out ... oh well.
3. Do you like the sea?: ... Well, yes. I kind of GREW UP around it.
4. What was the last thing that made you cry?: I haven't cried in years, so I couldn't say for sure.
5. Are you a logical thinker?: Usually.
6. Can you sleep easily?: No.

1. closest purple thing to you?: Nothing purple in here.
2. Like being treated to expensive things?: I wouldn't know the difference.
3. Do you like mysterious things?: To a certain extent.
4. Favorite type of chocolate?: I'm not picky.
5. Are you creative?: Not particularily.

1. Closest pink thing to you?: ... I don't think there's anything pink on the entire ESTATE, actually.
2. Do you like sweet things?: Yes.
3. Like play-fighting?: Depends.
4. Are you sensitive?: No.
5. Do you like punk music?: No.

1. Closest white thing to you?: Socks.
2. Would you say you're innocent?: Not really.
3. Always try to keep the peace?: I like peace, but I don't make any move to try and maintain it since I seem to attract crazy people.
4. How do you imagine your wedding?: I haven't thought about it ... NOT on the island, I can tell you that much.
5. Do you like to play in the snow?: No.
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist?: Afraid? No. Dislike it? Yes.

1. Closest black thing to you?: My shirt.
2. Ever enjoy hurting people?: Somewhat Of course not.
3. Are you sophisticated or silly?: A bit of both, maybe.
4. Would you like to go to space?: Sometimes I feel as if I'm already in space, what with all of the whackos that I keep finding myself meeting ...
5. Do you have a lot of secrets?: Not a ton.
6. What is your favorite color?: Red.
7. Does the color you wear affect your mood?: Not really.

[Private to Self]
... well, don't I feel stupid. I spent the last five or so years worrying about her only thinking of me as a friend, and it turns out that I didn't have anything to worry about in the first place. Figures we'd start out fighting, too ...

Either way, between this and finally graduating, I'm in an uncommonly good mood. Great, even. Of course, with this comes that uneasiness prickling at the back of my mind that suggests that something bad might happen in the near future, but you know what? Whatever. I can't be bothered to care right now, though it might have something to do with the fact that I've stayed up until an obnoxiously late/early hour. Feh, I think Botan might be right about me getting old - staying up until five-something AM is suddenly an outrageous phenomenon, which isn't ridiculous at all coming from a guy who spent the last few weeks pulling all-nighters. I'm sure this will make sense to me eventually.

apartment hunting, private, school, surveys, pop

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