Dec 04, 2005 19:19
Well, lets start off with the good news, I made it through two parades with no permenent injuries, just a sore arm from marching / holding, but yah. Sarnia was fun, customs convo...
"Place of birth..."
"place of birth?"
odd look... "Are you a US citizen?"
"How long?"
"I was adopted at 4 months..." (Guess i never actually answered the question...)
"ok... place of.... awwe shoot, that means i cant practice my korean with you..."
Anyways life in general is just way too stressful right now for reasons beyond my attempt to list / explain because this would be too long and you prolly dont care, but my best efforts at hiding them are wearing thin, and i think a few people are starting to notice i'm acting a bit different.... maybe i will just seclude myself from the world and all of its problems... i could be a hermit!!!! Oh well, lets see how well i struggle through this week...