ICQ Spass Deluxe

Mar 04, 2006 07:53

Hier mal ein Chatlog den ich gestern mit einer komischen "bekannten"meiner Ex hatte. Ich hab hinterher noch mit meiner Ex gesprochen und sie meinte die alte hätte das alles ernst gemeint.... Wie auch immer, ich hatte meinen spass und will euch mal dran teilhaben lassen
Ist vll ein wenig unübersichtlich aber anders bekommt man es leider nicht aus der History raus...

Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:11 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:12 PM
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Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:13 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
du bist wer? ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:14 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
sandra wer? ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:15 PM
You have received a message from sunny
sandra *****
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:15 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
sagt mir nichts ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:15 PM
You have received a message from sunny
aber jetzt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:15 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
kenn ich dich denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:16 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nicht das ich wüsste
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:16 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:16 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
woher hast denn meien nummer?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:17 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:17 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hm okay
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:18 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich bin ne freundin von steffi
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:18 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und wollte mal etwas mit dir schreiben. wenn ich darf
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:19 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
joa aber nichts desto trotz bin ich jetzt erstmal weg
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:19 PM
You have received a message from sunny
:-( schade
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:19 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
tjoa ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:19 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wann bist du denn wieder da?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:20 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
weiss ich noch nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:20 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:20 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
bye bye
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 05:20 PM
You have received a message from sunny
:-( bye
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:10 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:10 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:10 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
^ja da bin ichw ieder....
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:11 PM
You have received a message from sunny
freut mich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:11 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:12 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wo warst du denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:13 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
mit kollegen utnerwegs
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:13 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:17 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und jetzt?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:17 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja weiss ich nichg, du hast mich geaddet und wolltest mit mir schrieben
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:19 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:19 PM
You have received a message from sunny
aber nur so....
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:19 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja denn ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:20 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja.. was machst du denn so?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:20 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
rumsitzen und sowas^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:24 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:25 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wie hast du mich eigentlich im icq gefunden?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:29 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hmm.ich hab mal bei steffi in der schule in der liste geguckt und weil sie immer von dir geschwärmt hat hab ich gedacht ich adde dich mal.die nummer liegt schon lange auf meinem schreibtisch und jetzt hab ich mir gedacht ich adde dich mal
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:29 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ist das schlimm?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:30 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
nönö, geht shcon ok
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:30 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:31 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das freut mich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:32 PM
You have received a message from sunny
erzähl doch mal was von dir
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:32 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
von mir gibts nicht wirklich was zu erzählen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:33 PM
You have received a message from sunny
oh. das ist aber schade
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:33 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
tjoa... erzähl doch was vond ir
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
von mir gibt es auch nicht viel zu erzählen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hast du nen bild von dir?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:36 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nicht auf pc
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:36 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich werde aber bald welche auf pc packen dann sende ich dir eins wenn das ok für dich ist
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:37 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:37 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was machst du denn beruflich?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:38 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bist du immernoch mit steffi zusammen?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:39 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
schon über nen halbes jahr nicht mehr
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich hab kaum kontakt zu ihr und auch in der schule war er nicht immer der beste
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:40 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hab ich nur gedacht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:40 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:40 PM
You have received a message from sunny
also bist du noch zu haben?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:40 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:41 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das hört sich gut an
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:41 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:41 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:42 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja du kennst mich nichtmal, weisst nich wie ich aussehe aber sagst schon das sich das gut anhört
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:42 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:42 PM
You have received a message from sunny
so wie sie von dir erzählt hat kannst du nur ein netter kerl sein :-)
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:43 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
nene, ich bin ein arsch
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:43 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum das denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:44 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
nur so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:44 PM
You have received a message from sunny
du musst doch ein grund dafür nennen können
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:44 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
das war ein spass....
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:45 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:45 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bleib doch bitte bei der wahrheit
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:46 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
kk ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:46 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:46 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was bedeutet ^^ das denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:47 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
sowas wie ein lachen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:47 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:47 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wäre es dann nicht einfacher *lach* zu schreiben? dann versteht man das wenigstens auch
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:48 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
eigentlich versteht den smilie jeder
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:48 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja dannw eisst du ja jetzt was das heisst ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ist das jetzt negativ?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ok danke
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:48 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
negativ wofür?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:49 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das ich das nicht wusste
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:49 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja aber was sollte daran negativ sien?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:49 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weiß ich ja nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:49 PM
You have received a message from sunny
vielleicht meinst du jetzt ich bin doof
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:50 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
es gibt immer sachen die man nicht weiss
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:50 PM
You have received a message from sunny
danke das du das so siehst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:51 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wie alt bist du denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:51 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:51 PM
You have received a message from sunny
na ja ich werde bal 19
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:51 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ahso, kk
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:51 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:52 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
was heisst bald?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:53 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich werde am 24.03. 1
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:53 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:53 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
joa das is ja bald
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:53 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:54 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und du bist wie ich sehe auch 19
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:54 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:54 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wie kommst du eigentlich auf den namen?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
erl ist mein spitzname
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
und warrior heisst wie du vll weisst krieger ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und warum?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:57 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ach keien ahnung mehr
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:58 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hast du den schon so lange?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:58 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
3 jahre oder so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 08:58 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:03 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
vonw o kommst du denn überhaupt?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:04 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und jetzt?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:05 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
von wo kommst du denn überhaupt?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:05 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:05 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:05 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
was hast so an karneval gemacht?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:06 PM
You have received a message from sunny
da war ich in essen bei ner freundin feiern
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:06 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und du?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:06 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hab nichts großartig gemacht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:06 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum nicht?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:07 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
nur so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:07 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
mir is karneval eigentlich relativ egal
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:07 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum das denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:07 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
warum nicht?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:07 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich mag karneval sehr gerne
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:08 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
solls ja auch geben ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:08 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja bei mir
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:09 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich habe mich sogar verkleidet
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:09 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
als was denn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:09 PM
You have received a message from sunny
als ballerina
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:10 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
mit kurzem rock ohne was drunter? ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:10 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:11 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was denkst du denn von mir?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:11 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ka, ich kenn dich ja nicht ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:11 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja aber was du für gedanken hast
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:11 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
bin halt nen kerl
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:11 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:11 PM
You have received a message from sunny
sind alle so?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:12 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
weiss nich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:12 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:12 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
aber ud musst doch männer kennen ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:12 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja aber nur freundschaftlich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich habe nicht so viel mit männern zu tun
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
noch nie nen freund gehabt?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
naja, sowas gibts auch
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das ist jetzt etwas peinlich für mich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:13 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:14 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil ich noch nie einen hatte
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:14 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
is doch nich shclimm
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:14 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich hätte gern einen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:14 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wirst schon irgendwann einen finden
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:15 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja das hoffe ich ja
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:15 PM
You have received a message from sunny
deshalb hab ich dich ja auch geadded weil ichnur gutes von dir gehört hab
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:15 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
jeder mensch hat gute und schlechte seiten
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:16 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bei dir kann ich mir garnicht vorstellen das du auch schlechte seiten hast
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:16 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
du kennst mich ja wie gesagt garnicht ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:16 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich schreibe aber mit dir
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:16 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja, seit ner stunde
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:17 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja und ich hab nur nettes von dir gelesen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:17 PM
You have received a message from sunny
anders als alle anderen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:17 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und natürlich das was ich so gehört hab
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:17 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
dann lernst du halt irgendwann schlechte seiten von mir kennen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:18 PM
You have received a message from sunny
möchtest du das?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:18 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wird ishc nicht vermeiden lassen ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:18 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:18 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und warum dieser lachsmily
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:19 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
weil jeder schlechte seiten hat
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:19 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:20 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und wofür war das ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:21 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
eifnahc nur so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:21 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:21 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hörte sich so an als würdest du bald extra gemein zu mir sein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:21 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wieso sollte ich?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:22 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weiß ich nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:22 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hab ich gedacht weil du immer was von einer schlechten seite sagst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:22 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja jeder mensch hat doch ne schlechte seite
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:22 PM
You have received a message from sunny
vielleicht aber bei dir kann ich mir das nicht vorstellen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
doch doch
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wann kannst du denn gemein werden?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have received a message from sunny
dann werde ich mich nicht so verhalten das du gemein wirst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich kann immer gemein sein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das ist aber doof
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:23 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:24 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich finde dich trotzdem netter als alle anderen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:24 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
danke danke
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:24 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wofür. ich sage nur die wahrheit
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:24 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:25 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wenn du in deinen beziehungen auch so nett bist..
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:25 PM
You have received a message from sunny
..finde ich das gut
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:26 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
beschreib dich doch mal
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich habe kurze braune haare(weil ich lange nicht mag)
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und bin ca. 170cm gross
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wäre aber lieber kleiner
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was möchtest du noch wissen?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:28 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:28 PM
You have received a message from sunny
darüber möchte ich nicht sprechen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:28 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja wenn shcond enns chon
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:28 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:28 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich möchte dir nicht sagen wie ich sonst aussehe
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:29 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja wenn du mir nen bild schickst dann würd ichs ja auch sehen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:29 PM
You have received a message from sunny
dann möchtest du bestimmt nicht mehr mit mir schreiben
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:29 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein ich schicke dir ja nur ein bild von meinem kopf
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:29 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ne, das ist ja doof ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:30 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wenn ich dir das sage oder zeige dann schreibst du nicht mehr mit mir
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:30 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hm wenn ich doch so nett bin dann wäre das ja nicht so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:30 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja das stimmt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:30 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich möchte aber nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:30 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hm dann würden wir uns ja auch theoretishc garnicht kennenlernen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:31 PM
You have received a message from sunny
doch wenn wir mal öfter mit einander geschrieben haben dann schon. dann kennst du mich auch besser und ich hoffe das meine figur dann keine rolle spielt ob du mich magst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:32 PM
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der charakter zählt doch so oder so mehr
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:32 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja das stimmt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:32 PM
You have received a message from sunny
finde ich gut das du das auch so siehst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:33 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
also verrat schon
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:33 PM
You have received a message from sunny
meine figur ist nicht schön
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:34 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich bin zu dick
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:34 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
das heisst?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:34 PM
You have received a message from sunny
sehr dich halt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:34 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:34 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
tjoa ich auch und?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:34 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich denke nicht das du so eine figur hast wie ich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:35 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
och ich hab auch ordentlich was
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja das kann ja sein ich weiß es ja nicht.
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
aber ich mag mich nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich bin fett
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:35 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
jetzt weisst du bescheid
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich wolte es dir gar nicht sagen aber es ist so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
joa sowas gibts halt auch
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:36 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich würde aber gern was daran ändern aber ich kann nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:37 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil ich schon zu fett bin
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:37 PM
You have received a message from sunny
meine knochen gehen dann kaputt wenn ich mich viel bewege
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:37 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
essgewohnheiten umstellen, sport oder es eifnahc akzeptieren
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:37 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich esse aber gerne
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und akzeptieren möchte ich es nicht dann bekomm ich ja nie einen freund
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:38 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja dann musst du eins von beiden eben ändern
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja ich weiß
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
aber ich hab den willen dafür nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
jetzt möchte ich auch nicht weiter darüber sprechen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:38 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
dann versuch ihn zu bekommen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:40 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und jetzt schreibst du nicht mehr mit mir :-(
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:41 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:41 PM
You have received a message from sunny
aber du schreibst ja nichts
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:41 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich hab mir nen keks geholt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:41 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ach so
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:42 PM
You have received a message from sunny
magst du denn dicke frauen?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:42 PM
You have received a message from sunny
also richtig dicke
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:43 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
mir soll das egal sein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:43 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum egal?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:43 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich meine mit einer beziehung
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:44 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
charakter ist wichtig
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:44 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das freut mich zu höhren
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:44 PM
You have received a message from sunny
würdest du denn etwas mit mir anfangen?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:45 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich kenn dich doch garnicht....
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:45 PM
You have received a message from sunny
aber so wie du mich jetzt kennen gelernt hast
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:45 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich muss einen menschen besser kennenlernen bevor ich sowas sagen kann
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:45 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:47 PM
You have received a message from sunny
dann lern mich besser kennen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
du bist doch nett
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:48 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja meinetwegen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das hört sich zwar nicht begeistert an. aber das reicht mir
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:48 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:48 PM
You have received a message from sunny
siehst du, du kannst gar nicht unfreundlich sein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:49 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich häätte ja auch einfach neins agen können
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:49 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hast du aber nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:49 PM
You have received a message from sunny
duhast mir meine wünsche von den lippen abgelesen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich aknnd eine lippen garnicht sehen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have received a message from sunny
woher hast du dann meine wünsche?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
vll eine geistige verbindung
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
vll sind wir ja seelenverwandt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:50 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:51 PM
You have received a message from sunny
gut das du das auch so siehst ich dachte schon ich bin allein damit
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:51 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wir sind für einander bestimmt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:52 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:52 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bist du auch so überrascht wie ich?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:52 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:53 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja ich hab das auch noch nie vorher gehabt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:53 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das bedeutet du bist der richtige
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:53 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und ich bin die richtige für dich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:54 PM
You have received a message from sunny
gut das du nicht mehr mit steffi zusammen bist
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:54 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hm joa
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:54 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hattest du das auch im gefühl, das sie nicht die richtige für dich is?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:54 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:55 PM
You have received a message from sunny
gut. jetzt bin ich ja da
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:55 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
was hörst du so für musik?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:55 PM
You have received a message from sunny
also mach dir keine sorgen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:55 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich höre keine musik
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:55 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wieso denn das nicht?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:55 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil ich denke das mir das nicht gut tut
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
warum tut einem musik nicht gut?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hörst du etwa musik?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil da immer so negative schwingungen kommen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja ich höre musik
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have received a message from sunny
oh nein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Death Metal
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:56 PM
You have received a message from sunny
oh nein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wenn wir zusammen sind dann darfst du das nicht mehr hören
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
die lieder hat ja der teufel geschrieben
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja und ich bete den teufel an
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das ist ja noch schlimmer
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
du musst sofort damit aufhören
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:57 PM
You have received a message from sunny
der teufel ist nicht gut
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:58 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
der teufel ist gottes bester freund
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:58 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das stimmt nicht!!!
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:58 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hast du dich noch nie damit auseinander gesetzt?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:58 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
doch, darum weiss ich es ja
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:58 PM
You have received a message from sunny
sie sind die schlimmsten feinde
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:58 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wenn es den teufel nicht gäbe dann gäbe es keinen grund mehr für die menschen an gott zu glauben
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
also kann gott garnicht ohne teufel
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have received a message from sunny
er wäre befreit wenn der teufel nicht wäre
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
eigentlich sind gott und der teufek auch schwul und sind zusammen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have received a message from sunny
dann wäre nicht so viel krieg auf der welt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 09:59 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das stimmt nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:01 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
mags ein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:01 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
aber die behauptung ist lustig
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:01 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein ist sie nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:01 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:01 PM
You have received a message from sunny
gut das du das einsiehst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:01 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
bist du sehr gläubig?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:02 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein eigentlich nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:02 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wieso stört dich das dann?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:02 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nur etwas
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:02 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ans atan zu glauben ist true
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:03 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja.. moment meine mama hat mich gerufen bin gleich wieder da.
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:03 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:03 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bitte bleib hier und warte auf mich
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:03 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
natürlich holde maid
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:07 PM
You have received a message from sunny
da bin ich wieder
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:07 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:07 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bist echt süß
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:08 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:08 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hör mal ich hab da so ne vorliebe
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:08 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:08 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich find piraten voll sexy...
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:08 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:09 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich finds so geil wenn sie HARRRR sagen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:09 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
kannst du das aucham ende eines jeden satzes tun?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:10 PM
You have received a message from sunny
natürlich HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:10 PM
You have sent a message to sunny

Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:11 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wenn dich das freut mach ich das natürlich HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:11 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hast du auch irgendwelche vorlieben?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:12 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein tut mir leid aber was hättest du denn gern welche vorliebe ichhab? HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:13 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich mags wenn frauen in meiner gegenwart grunzen wie ein elchq
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:13 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wenn du das magst HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:15 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hast du irgendwelche sexuellen fantasien?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:16 PM
You have received a message from sunny
sex ist bisher nur eine fantasie für mich gewesen. aber ich denke ich mag es wenn der mann sich kleidet wie ein engel HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:17 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wärs auch ok wenn ich mich kleide wie luzifer persönlich?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:17 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein es muss ein engel sein wie er in der bibel steht HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:17 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
du weisst das engel gnadenlose arschficker sind?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:18 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein sie sind so lieb wie du es bist HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:18 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hmmmm...w enn du diesen vergleich ziehst bin ich wohl dann auch ein gnadenloser arschficker?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:19 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein das denke ich nicht aber ich weiß ja nicht ob du darauf stehst HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:19 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
und wenn?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:20 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wäre es mir egal denn ich werde meine erfahrungen ja auch machen. ich denke ja das du der auserwählte bist und wenn du das magst werde ich es auch mögen oder nicht?HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:21 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
natürlich wirst du es mögen
nenn mich Neo, der auserwählte
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:21 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum neo? HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:21 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
nein nenn mich lieber Guybrush Threepwood, der mächtige Pirat
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:22 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum du heißt doch aber karsten oder? HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:22 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja aber ich finde den namen schöner
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:22 PM
You have received a message from sunny
achso wenn du es magst HARRRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:23 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
nein, du musst sagen
achso wenn du es magst Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:23 PM
You have received a message from sunny
na gut Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:24 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das ist mir aber du lang Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:24 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
du möchtest meien tiefsten wünsche also nicht erfüllen? :'(
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:24 PM
You have received a message from sunny
doch doch.. wenn du es möchtest Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:25 PM
You have received a message from sunny
du bist doch mein liebster und ich mach alles Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:25 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Harrr Harrr Harrr
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:25 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich werde dich ab jetzt polly nennen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:25 PM
You have received a message from sunny
warum polly? Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:25 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
weild u mein kleiner papagei bist
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:26 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das ist aber süß Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:26 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Will Polly einen Cräcker?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:26 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ich kann ihn doch leider nicht annehmen Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:26 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:26 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil ich nicht bei dir bin Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was ichgern wäre Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:27 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
wärst du gern meine liebessklavin?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
na klar Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:27 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was hättest du denn gern?Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:27 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich möchte das du mit deiner zunge meinen hoden verwöhnst
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:28 PM
You have received a message from sunny
ja Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:28 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:28 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wenn du das magst Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:28 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich mag alles was piraten mögen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:28 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
inklusive skorbut
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:28 PM
You have received a message from sunny
was ist das denn? Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:29 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
deien zähne fallen aus und dein zzahnfleisch fault
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:29 PM
You have received a message from sunny
achso. wenn du das magst Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:30 PM
You have received a message from sunny
du bist echt der beste freund den man sich vorstellen kann Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:30 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ich weiss polly
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:30 PM
You have received a message from sunny
gut das du das weißt ich bin auch deien liebessklavin und deine auserwählte Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:32 PM
You have received a message from sunny
bist du noch da?Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:33 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:33 PM
You have received a message from sunny
gut Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:33 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
harrrrr ^^
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:34 PM
You have received a message from sunny
:-) Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:34 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
hm ich hab jetzt nen neuen fable
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:34 PM
You have received a message from sunny
welchen? Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat HARRR
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:34 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
lass das mit den ppiraten weg und sag bitte nach jedem satz sieg heil
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das mag ich nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:35 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
hitler war ein böser mann
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:35 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:35 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil er krieg verursacht hat
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:36 PM
You have received a message from sunny
und leute getötet hat
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
sagst du denn heil Guybrush?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:36 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:36 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:37 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
es gibt docha uch Petry Heil und sowas
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:37 PM
You have received a message from sunny
weil das doof ist
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:37 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:37 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:37 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
sorry dann muss ich jetzt schluss machen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
nein bitte nicht
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:38 PM
You have received a message from sunny
schreiben wir morgen weiter?
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:38 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
doch, sorry aber so kann ich nicht leben
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
du bist doch nett
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
goodbye ich wünsche dir noch ein schönes leben
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
wir sind für einander bestimmt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:39 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das hast du selber gesagt
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:40 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
ja das waren wir ja auch für 2 stunden
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:40 PM
You have received a message from sunny
jetzt bin ich traurig
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:40 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:40 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das kannst du nicht zulassen
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:41 PM
You have sent a message to sunny
sorry aber ich steh auf männer
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:41 PM
You have received a message from sunny
das kann nicht sein
Date and Time: 03/02/2006 10:41 PM
You have sent a message to sunny

Dann hat sie sich noch bei meiner ex gemeldet und meitne ich wäre ach so gemein... Wobei sie sie zwischendurch auch gefragt hatte ob sie mich auch immer Guybrush Threepwood der mächtige Pirat musste
Und ja ich weiss das ich das HARRR vom Bloodninja geklaut hab
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