Review: Stardust
It's a movie about a star. That falls. And the boy her finds her. It also has witches and pirates and romance in it.
... and that simple description of it couldn't possibly come even near to what a great movie I thought it was. Let me try to recreate a conversation between my movie-going friend and I:
Me: It's great. Like... "Harry Potter and the Ever After Princess Bride of the Carribean."
Her: I thought it was way better than any of those movies.
Me: I was saying it has elements of those movies...
Her: But the characters were better fleshed out and more human; it wasn't as hokey. I thought the movie was MUCH better than I'd ever expected.
Me: I thought so, too.
It is, in sum, fantastic. My only (very small) complaint is the beginning... I can't figure out if something was cut, but it gave me the wrong sort if impression (although after watching the whole movie, I understood it better.)
Final Rating: A+
The Beginning: SCANDALOUS!
- Name I've heard it also called: "Star Burst"