Reviews, Reviews.

Feb 26, 2007 22:20

So... since I went to my sister's, I got to do nothing but watch TV. Which was... mildly entertaining but not quite my cup of tea. As a result, I've compiled a list of movies I've watched, with reviews included.

Jurassic Park III

I like Sam Neill. I really do. That said... the movie was... so-so. I personally thought that II had a little bit better plotline (well... except for the end.) Also, did you know that the Velociraptor in the films are scientifically inaccurate? Tsk tsk. B-

Reign of Fire

I have to admit... this is probably one of the best representations I've seen of dragons that didn't have them as the pets or friends of humans. No, ladies and gents - these dragons don't talk or make friends, they KILL people. Which was sufficiently awesome!

Just me, but did Matthew Mcconaughey look like Kratos? It was really refreshing to see him playing badass though after dozens of romantic comedies.

Didn't quite like the Industrial setting, though. C+

The Da Vinci Code

Let me start by saying I DID NOT READ THE BOOK. Chances of me reading the book are slim, as well, so, now that we've gotten that out of the way... it was interesting, but not quite my thing. After my Lord of the Rings fascination, I'm starting to recognize Ian McKellen more often. (He had once said, "Dame Maggie Smith and I have had a long, successful career in film only to be remembered as 'the wizard from Lord of the Rings' and 'The Harry Potter lady'... I do, however, recognize Dame Maggie Smith because she's been in more children's films.)

I also must confess, when I saw Alfred Molina, I also kept going, "HEY! Hey, show us your metal arms!!"

I wonder if movies haunt those in the acting profession for years. C

The Chronicles of Riddick

Okay, so it might be cheesy, but those are some damn awesome contacts Vin Diesel wears. I also like how he doesn't express (in the movie) any angst whatsoever. Actually, the sci-fi feeling it gives off reminds me of Dune.

The Necromongers reminded me of a bunch of industrial goths, only better looking. ("If you join us... you'll be pretty too!") B

Underworld, Van Helsing

Both have their downfalls, both have their pluses, but because I'm a nut for vampire flicks with neat outfits and dark settings, I like 'em both and refuse to do any detailed review on them. Underworld - A-, Van Helsing - B+

My writing is really sucking today... :/


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