On Rain.

May 12, 2010 21:48

It's strange to be pulling out my winter pajamas in the middle of May, isn't it?  Well, I suppose that's Michigan for you.

Maybe this will be one of my first blog posts without a definite subject I want to talk about.  But I'm feeling pretty good right now.  The weather has been very nice lately; and by 'nice', I refer to my opinion of the word.  It's been good and rainy, just drizzling, with a devastating thunderstorm every now and then.  Rain is the best music to write to, and it always reminds me of the time I was so inspired by it that I went home and finished writing a long, multi-chapter fanfiction all in one sitting. ;; I wish I could do that again.  That's what I always think about when I see rain during school.

Rain brings back a lot of good memories for me, actually.  One of the first I remember is what I still call the best birthday I ever had -- that is, not my birthday party of that year, but what happened on my actual birthday that year.  I remember going to the mall with Toni, buying a bunch of manga at Borders, sitting down at one of the tables with my peach tea and just reading with her for hours.  All while it was torrentially thunderstorming outside, to the point where Borders's lights flickered on and off a couple times.  Just that feeling of contentment that overcame me that day has always stuck with me.  It's one of the calm memories that usually become the most dear to me.

Also, every time it rained at band camp.  Particularly last year's first-practice downpour.  That might be the first time I can ever honestly say that laughing too hard almost made me trip (or maybe I only almost tripped because I'm physically deficient).  The run up that hill in the pounding rain and lightning, making up excuses to go back down the hill and run up again just to spend more time in the rain, the pounding of blood in my head and the lack of oxygen from my laughing sending me into a natural high -- those are the moments I'll never forget.

[By the way, the fact that this year will be my last band camp trip is absolutely devastating.  I don't really hate you, hills!  Come back to me, please!  I'll take it back!]

Also, I'll be camping from Friday until Sunday evening.  Going up to the same cabin as last year with my cousins and uncles.  Which reminds me of another rainy memory from last year -- when I was camping with the same group and we went to the city of Petoskey for a little while to shop.  That was where I got my Thus Sprach Zarathstra. <3 It was a similar memory to the one of my birthday mentioned above.  Just sitting in a bookstore eating a blueberry scone with my Nietzsche.  And then going in little antiquiated stores and walking along the shoreline looking for Petoskey stones (not that I found any).  Oh, and my dad's impression of an overblown, bigoted rant about pushing the Indians off their land.  I'll remember that.

In the end, I suppose this whole post did end up having a theme, didn't it?  Darn.  I can't live without a unified theme.

Happy birthdays to Tara and Anna~

See you later~

camping, band camp, memories, birthday, rain

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