New Rules

Mar 08, 2013 21:07

1. Officer Assignments:
Two separate officer lists.
One for China; one for Japan.
Lords who hold land in both countries must assign officers in both countries if they want to defend it.
i.e If a lord does not assign anyone to China and keeps everyone in Japan, the land in China is up for grabs and can be conquered without a battle.
This makes it so that a small lord, like in real life, cannot possibly defend two countries at once. As well as keeps people from magically appearing between the two in what seems like days.
2. General Cap
Kingdoms will be limited to the number of officers they can have with every Province. Starting off, the Capital will allow 5 officers. For every Province gained henceforth will be 1+ Cap increase.
3. Income Changes:
From now on, only the amount of land held by a kingdom determines the amount of gold they receive. This prevents kingdoms from abusing the rank system to gain mountains of gold.
200 - 300 = Arid Land
400 - 500 = Middle-Class, towns/farms/villages etc
600 = Captials and other important locations (temples, monuments, places of interest etc)
An Ding: 300
Bei Di: 300
Bei Hai: 600
Bei Ping: 600
Chai Sang: 500
Chang An: 600
Chang Sha: 500
Cheng Du: 600
Dai Jun: 300
Feng Xiang: 400
Han Zhong: 500
Hui Chuang: 200
Hui Ji: 500
Jia Land: 300
Jian Ning: 500
Jian Ye: 600
Jiang Ling: 400
Jiang Xia: 600
Jiang Zhou: 200
Jiao Zhou: 400
Jin Yang: 600
Liao Dong: 400
Liao Xi: 300
Ling Ling: 400
Luo Yang: 600
Nan Zhong: 600
Nan Hai: 400
Pei Cheng: 300
Pu Yang: 400
Ru Nan: 400
San Jiang: 200
Shang Gu: 300
Shang Jun: 300
Shou Chun: 600
Sou Fang: 200
Tian Shui: 500
Wan: 400
Wu: 600
Wu Du: 200
Xi Liang: 500
Xia Pi: 600
Xiang Ke: 200
Xiang Yang: 400
Xin Ye: 500
Xu Chang: 600
Ye: 500
Yong An: 600
Yun Zhong: 200
Zhang Ye: 200


4. General Rank Changes:
From now on, Kingdom Ranks will be cut down to 9 Core Ranks. If all ranks are filled up, any extra officers will be given the rank Lieutenant.
Prime Minister
Grand General
Naval General
All Kingdom Troops/Siege Weapons/Ships/Etc MUST be distributed among the ranks in the army. The Ruler nor the 'Kingdom' itself can hold everything.
The 9 ranks will each have limitations to the amount of Troops/Siege Weapons/Ships/Etc they are allowed to hold. They are limited to only what is given to them and can only use that for the entirety of a battle.
Arbalests: 5
Ballistas: 5
Bomb Ninja: 5
Catapults: 2
Juggernauts: 10
Musketeers: 30,000
Rams: 1
Rifle Arbalests: 3
Riflemen: 20,000
Siege Ramps: 1
Steel Juggernauts: 5
Steel Ships/Boats: 10
Trebuchets: 2
Troops: 350,000
Tigers: 100
Wolves: 200
Arbalests: 3
Ballistas: 3
Bomb Ninja: 5
Catapults: 1
Juggernauts: 5
Musketeers: 20,000
Rams: 1
Rifle Arbalests: 2
Riflemen: 15,000
Siege Ramps: 1
Steel Juggernauts: 3
Steel Ships/Boats: 5
Trebuchets: 1
Troops: 250,000
Tigers: 75
Wolves: 150
Prime Minister-
Arbalests: 20
Ballistas: 20
Bomb Ninja: 30
Catapults: 20
Juggernauts: 30
Musketeers: 25,000
Rams: 5
Rifle Arbalests: 15
Riflemen: 20,000
Siege Ramps: 5
Steel Juggernauts: 20
Steel Ships/Boats: 10
Trebuchets: 20
Troops: 200,000
Tigers: 300
Wolves: 500
Arbalests: 15
Ballistas: 15
Bomb Ninja: 50
Catapults: 25
Juggernauts: 40
Musketeers: 35,000
Rams: 3
Rifle Arbalests: 20
Riflemen: 30,000
Siege Ramps: 3
Steel Juggernauts: 30
Steel Ships/Boats: 20
Trebuchets: 25
Troops: 300,000
Tigers: 400
Wolves: 600
Grand General-
Arbalests: 10
Ballistas: 10
Bomb Ninja: 30
Catapults: 20
Juggernauts: 30
Musketeers: 30,000
Rams: 1
Rifle Arbalests: 10
Riflemen: 20,000
Siege Ramps: 1
Steel Juggernauts: 15
Steel Ships/Boats: 15
Trebuchets: 15
Troops: 150,000
Tigers: 250
Wolves: 400
Naval General-
Arbalests: 3
Ballistas: 20
Bomb Ninja: 5
Catapults: 0
Juggernauts: 0
Musketeers: 30,000
Rams: 0
Rifle Arbalests: 5
Riflemen: 20,000
Siege Ramps: 0
Steel Juggernauts: 0
Steel Ships/Boats: 60
Trebuchets: 0
Troops: 100,000
Tigers: 0
Wolves: 0
Arbalests: 15
Ballistas: 15
Bomb Ninja: 25
Catapults: 15
Juggernauts: 25
Musketeers: 20,000
Rams: 3
Rifle Arbalests: 10
Riflemen: 15,000
Siege Ramps: 3
Steel Juggernauts: 15
Steel Ships/Boats: 5
Trebuchets: 15
Troops: 150,000
Tigers: 200
Wolves: 400
Arbalests: 0
Ballistas: 0
Bomb Ninja: 5
Catapults: 0
Juggernauts: 0
Musketeers: 5,000
Rams: 0
Rifle Arbalests: 0
Riflemen: 2,500
Siege Ramps: 0
Steel Juggernauts: 0
Steel Ships/Boats: 2
Trebuchets: 0
Troops: 50,000
Tigers: 100
Wolves: 200
5. Cannons Update
Maximum of 10 Cannons on a Province. Upon buying, you must list where each Cannon is located. 4 Maximum Cannons per Steel Ship, 2 per Wood Ship.
6. Atmosphere Implements:
Time will progress as Seasons, starting off with Spring with 1 week being a full season.
Every week 5-6 weather conditions will be chosen on Sunday Evening/Monday depending on the season of the week, the 6th being a natural disaster if chosen.
Weather/Disasters will vary by Province and will affect how a battle ground is if a battle is to happen. Earthquakes/Volcanic Activity will have a random ratio during battle that will either kill 1/20, 1/15, 1/10, 1/5, 1/3, or 1/2.
All Countries-
-Sunny-Hot, Dry Day (Spring/Summer)
-Cloudy-Cool, Non Sunny Day (All seasons)
-Rain-(All Seasons,Rain can be decided to randomly start/stop at a certain time during battle. Most probable during Spring,Could turn into a Storm with a random generate)
-Snow- (Winter Season, Could turn into a Blizzard with a random generate)
-Fog- (All seasons)
-Hail- Pelting cold Ice (Fall/Winter)
-Groggy- After Rain (All seasons)
-Calm- Pleasant day, not too much sun (All seasons)
-Earthquakes (All seasons possible)
May happen in battle
-Tsunamis (Spring Season)
Will be -200 Payout
-Volcanic Activity (All seasons possible)
May happen in battle
-Typhoons (Summer Season)
Makes area uninvadable and -100 payout
Will be -200 for Payout,
-Earthquakes (All seasons possible)
May happen in battle
-Famines (Summer/Winter Seasons)
Will kill off troops of the entire force by a growing death ratio between a random number of 1-4 days. With Day 1: 1/20, Day 2: 1/15, Day 3: 1/10, and Day 4: 1/5.
-Typhoons (Summer Season)
Makes area uninvadable and -100 payout
7. Capital Additions:
10,000 gold is now required to change the capital.
Only 1 time a month can a capital be changed.
If the capital is lost, the entire army is destroyed. The province containing the capital and all adjacent territories belong the to the conquering army
8. Captivity
If a player is held captive in any way, character switches are disallowed until a conclusion is reached for the character captive. Whether it be being set free, ultimately killed, or rescued.
Suicide cannot be committed without a way of doing so, and must be done in a Xat with the presence of a member of the force holding the captive.
9. Rebellion
There will be two types of rebellions:
Usurping the Throne: Flat out killing the ruler and taking over the entire kingdom, troops, officers, everything. However, through the RPing process of the assassination, the ruler must be killed within the Capital one way or another in order for the Rebel to gain the entire kingdom.
Coup d'état: Creating your own kingdom within the boundaries of the kingdom you are rebelling against.
You may select any area that is not adjacent to the capital of the kingdom you rebel against.
You may rebel with any number of officers, however, you will only get more than one land if 5 or more officers rebel with you (one extra land, adjacent to your capital, per officer.)
If you there are no more adjacent lands adjacent to your chosen Capital, you must select the next closest land that is not the Capital of the force you are rebelling against or any of the adjacent lands of their Capital either.
10. Surprise Attacks Changes:
The limit is still once per month.
Defenders are now limited to only 5 officers.
11. Imperial Seal/Shogunate Seal
A new item that will increase land payout by 2x. Before the start of every era, the seals will be placed in random provinces.
The seal may be taken from another by any fair means.
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