Jul 16, 2009 21:59
Tomorrow is going to be a month since I moved here. I am glad I moved. I am no longer home sick. I miss my mom though. Today while I was floating on my back in the ocean I started thinking about how much I have wanted this. I have wanted this for TEN YEARS. I have wanted to be by the ocean since I moved to Arizona. I feel very blessed right now to be able to live a life I have wanted for so long. I am proud of myself for making this happen. I am extremely grateful for my mom and dad and brother for helping me make this happen. Now if I could just get a job everything would be right where I want it for the time being.
My goal is to move down to ob by the end of the year. I kind of have to since my brother is getting deployed and his wife will be moving back to AZ making me homeless. I will make it happen.
Its been 63 days since I last smoked. Thats the only thing that sucks about living here is everyone smokes. I dont quite know why, but I have been craving it really really bad this last week. Maybe its because I keep having people ask me if I smoke or maybe its cause I have been a little stressed about money and a job and its still just impluse to want to smoke my worries away. or maybe Im just lonely. I dont know, but I hope the craving goes away soon or I just might be giving in next time some asks if I want to. Which yes people do offer it down here. Its weird.