Duet, May 2013 Hikaru Yaotome Translation

May 05, 2013 14:40

I apologize for the delay on this issue :/
Here's Hikaru's part!

Hikaru Yaotome

Q:What time did you get up today?
It might have been 9am. I always wake up an hour and a half before I leave my house. But today it was 45 minutes. Because of how tired I felt from yesterday’s work, I made sure I got a longer sleep time. Well, at any rate, if I don’t hastily plan it, I can wake up properly.
While I space out, I drink coffee, get dressed, drink coffee again and put my clothes for lessons in my bag. It’s because I’m a person that wants to take his time to plan things out.

Q:What was the first thing you did when you got up this morning?
I drank water.  Because it’s good for the body to have a cup of water when you wake up, I drink a cup every morning. (T/N: VERY TRUE. Why? Because your body is dehydrated when you wake up, so it’s good to drink water)

Q: Do you wake up well, or bad?
It’s always good. The hard life style that drama filming gave me though made me have instances where I’d tell myself, “As long as I sleep 3 hours, my body will move like normal”. Because our “normal” includes dancing, if we get even less sleep, as long as we could move around, waking up wouldn’t be as bad.

Q: Bedding Obsession
I’m really fixated on my pillows. The current pillows and mattress that I’m using are made out of foam from space suits. At first when I lay on it, it feels hard, but, gradually my body sinks down about 3-4 cm so it gets used to it.

Q: The clothes you wear when you sleep
What I wear is a huge sized t-shirt with sweats. I exchanged the old pillow I used for a bigger pillow I can hug and as I hugged it, the times I first fell asleep on my left side were countless. Because I can’t sleep if I don’t hug something, if there’s a time I don’t have a pillow to hug, I grab a blanket, make it into a ball and hug it.

Q: Something new you started recently
Paying others back. I’ll do things like draw what I see in front of me and create original characters. I’ve given them as birthday presents and getting to add color to them with different pens is also very fun.

Q: What’s something you want to start from now on?
Because I’m bad at drawing sceneries I want to properly study and practice it.

Q: Something you’ve quit recently or want to quit
By all means, I want to quit ramen. I love ramen, If I’m hungry it’s gotta be ramen, if I don’t have much time, its ramen. But, it’s about time I start to remember to eat more fashionable food, I think I’ll be causing trouble to my wife in the near future (laughs)
She’ll ask “What do you want for dinner tonight?”
Then I’ll answer with “Ramen”
“There’s no way I’m making that for you!” then she’ll end up mad at me.

That’s why places like buffet’s or anywhere where I can request for fashionable food is where I plan to go !

Q: When you start something new, what do you keep in mind?
I think about what the things I’m doing now can mean for my future. “If I can properly continue to do(blank)then It’ll work” If I can understand that, then I can whole heartedly do it.

Q: On April 13th, concerts will begin. What’s something you want to challenge?
I’ve thought till now “What if this became more public involved?”. I want to challenge that this time. According to the people I’ve asked, it’s kind of like something Domoto Kouchi kun did before. The customers were happy and we’d also feel pretty good about it…
And so, have fun as you watch!

Owari :3
Thank you very much for reading :)

If you're going to repost this outside of LJ, please provide a link to this original post! andcredit as well xD No translator likes to have their work claimed by others

translation:duet, duet:may, translation:scan, hikaru yaotome, month:may, 2013

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