Movie Time! [2/2]

Nov 29, 2009 22:06

Title: Movie Time! [2/2]
Pairing: TakaYama
Author: kodochalover
Rating: NC-17 [Smut!]
Word count: 1,070

Disclaimer: Yama-chan is nodding in approval right now :] haha jk jk I don’t own them…YET. But watch I will soon after a nice talk with Johnny-san~ AND I only own the plot^-^
Summary: Yama-chan isn’t liking the lack of time spent together with his boyfriend. So how do you make it up? How about a trip to the movie theater were the action really starts~

A/N: Please tell me what you honestly think! It helps me become a better writer!!
HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY CHINEN!!!!!!!!!!! You're 16 just like me now ne~~ I hope all of your wishes come true<3

Part 1: <-----------In case you havent read this

The moment class ended, Yamada ran and pushed his way through the crowded hallway in order to meet Takaki at the front of the school.

“Excuse me! Can you guys please move!!”

Classmates began to glare as they slowly moved out of Yamada’s way.

“That’s him! He’s going out with Takaki!”

“How is that possible? I’m so much more cuter than that boy”

Yamada could hear his jealous classmates; but decided to pay no attention to them.

“DAMN! You guys need to learn how to share the freaking hallway!” yelled Yamada. The students were surprised and walked away.

Yamada continued to walk quickly towards his destination. Takaki was already outside, ready to go. Yamada always wondered how he managed to get out first. He never seemed to have to deal with the rushing students.

“Yuyan~ I’m here!”

“Hello my cheeky princess” Takaki bowed and smiled, while Yamada attempted to hide his blushing cheeks.

“You’re so cute Yama-chan”


Yamada and Takaki bought tickets to a comedy film once they got to the movie theater. They had decided to sit next to each other all the way in the back row. There was only a few people inside.

“Wow, there’s hardly anyone here” said Takaki.

“It’s Tuesday ne~ not a lot of people watch movies on a Tuesay.”

“Of course my cheeky hime* would know that” Takaki laughed and pinched Yamada’s blushing cheeks. Both boys and the remaining audience got quiet once the lights turned off and the film began. A scene with a kissing couple appeared.

“Yuya” said Yamada quietly.


“I missed you.”

Takaki smiled and placed his hand on Yamada’s hand.

“I miss you too. Exams and our different classrooms have taken away much of our time together.”

“True…” said Yamada.

“But, remember what I said earlier?”

“That you would make it up for me?”

Takaki’s hand slowly moved down towards Yamada’s lap.


With that said, Takaki kissed Yamada passionately. Slipping his tongue inside Yamada’s mouth, his hand underneath Yamada’s school shirt. Yamada didn’t like their position, so he slowly broke the kiss and placed himself on Takaki’s lap facing his lips. Both continued to kiss, grinding on each other. Desperately wanting to strip off each others clothes and feel each others smooth skin.

Both boys were panting heavily. Small beads of sweat rolled down Yamada’s forehead.

“Yama-chan, you look so sexy right now.”

“Hmmm, so is that why you’re so hard?”

Yamada could feel Takaki’s hardened member. He placed his hand on top of the cloth covered length.

“nnnhh…Yama-chan, I swear if you do that one more time, I’ll go crazy”

Yamada took a firmer grip on Takaki’s length, leaning in closer to Takaki’s ear.

“Then want me to please you more?” Yamada whispered into Takaki’s ear with a seductive tone.

“mmmmhh….yes…my sexy princess”

“Ne Yuyan~ I can’t hear you” teased Yamada

“I want you…NOW”


There was about a foot of space between each row. Yamada somehow managed to slide off Takaki’s lap and kneel down on the cold floor facing his lover’s hardened length. Yamada slowly reached for Takaki’s zipper. He looked up towards Takaki’s face. His eyes were full of lust.

“Yuya, I really, really love you”

“I love you more”

Yamada pulled out Takaki’s length and engulfed it all. He bobbed his head up and down at a steady pace, going faster bit by bit.

“Uhnnnn…youre..mmh…so damn sexy”

Takaki was filled with so much pleasure, it was hard for words o come out. He grabbed onto Yamada’s head and pulled him up for a sloppy kiss. Yamada returned to Takaki’s length and flicked his tongue at the tip, quickly licking at it like a lollipop.

“mmm I’m cumming”

Yamada quickly took him all in and swallowed all of Takaki’s cum.

“Takaki senpai, you’re so delicious”

Takaki couldn’t help but laugh, good thing there was actually a funny scene in the movie at the moment.

“Are we role playing now?”

“No, just thought I should turn you on some more”

Yamada wrapped his hand around Takaki’s member and quickly began to massage it.


Takaki pulled the boy up, making him stand and unzipped his pants pulling his boxers down as well.

“Kyaa its cold Yuya!”

“Not for long baby, not for long”

Takaki placed Yamada on top of his own length making Yamada’s hardened member touch Takaki’s legs.

“Uwaaah, you’re so hard princess”

“Because only you can make me feel this horny”

Takaki guided his length into Yamada’s hole.

“Aaaah! You’re so big Yuya!” Yamada couldn’t help but say this out loud.

“Shh! Be quiet! Or else people will hear”

Takaki giggled while Yamada began to bounce up and down on Takaki’s length.

“Mmmm Yuya, what if-aahh! people see?”

Takaki thought for as second and took off Yamada’s school coat, covering their act with it.

“There, that should help a bit” Takaki laughed while grabbing Yamada’s member.

“It’s not funny-aahhh!!”

Yamada’s bouncing made small slapping sounds as his skin went against Takaki’s. Yamada wanted to scream out Takaki’s name. Instead he placed his head on Takaki’s shoulder and quietly said,

“uhnnn Yuya~”

Hearing Yamada moan into his ear like that made Takaki move his hand faster. All of that good ecstasy forced Yamada’s head up and sigh from pleasure while he came all over Takaki’s hand. Few seconds later, Takaki came for the second time, filling up Yamada.

The two boys quickly cleaned themselves up and shared another make out session.

“My little princess just can’t get enough of me huh?” teased Takaki.

“It’s because you’re so addicting~ you know how hard it is to go home and long for your lips every five minutes?” said Yamada.

“Yes princess, I feel the same way. Except I desire all of you every five minutes”

Yamada blushed and smiled, at the same time placing his hand over Takaki’s cloth covered length.

“This only belongs to me okay?”

Takaki laughed at his princess serious statement.

“My whole body and soul will always belong to my precious princess”


The two shared a kiss and left once the movie had ended. The two boys were walking out of the theater when Takaki realized something.

“Great! I wasted twenty dollars on a movie I didn’t even watch!”

Yamada softly whacked Takaki’s head.


He walked ahead pretending to be mad while releasing a small smile.

“Ne, Princess I was just joking!! Please don’t be mad!!”


*Hime: Princess

Thank you for reading this!! it really means a lot to me!! :D!
Remember: COMMENTS =LOVE!! please comment x)

one shot, yamada ryosuke, takaki yuya, r:nc-17, fan fiction, fanfic: movie time!, chaptered!, g:hey!say!jump

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