Introduction Post♥

Jun 20, 2022 17:50


INCREDIBLY! Late intro post xD However, I still wanted to do it^-^

My name is Gisselle

(le derpy me~)

Age: 23
Birthday: August 12th, 1993 (2 days after Nakajima Yuto :D)

Occupation: Student & Fan girl

Country: United States

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish and Intermediate Japanese

Fun Fact? x): I'm a magazine translator for my own community, comeonamyjump ♥♪
I also translate videos at je-yosai & juyoerai

Favorite Johnny's Groups: Hey!Say!JUMP, NEWS, Arashi

Fanfic Writer I admire: keeconk @ brawlofavidity

Special Abilities: Graphic design, drawing, painting, writing, tennis and language learning
Interests: Manga, Anime, Dramas, Everything and anything Japanese, JOHNNY'S
Kawaii Japanese boys, Lolita Fashion, Cooking & Baking, Fanfic writing, YAOI♥ and smut :D

Add me on Twitter , Tumblr or Facebook along with LJ if you'd like~♥

PLEASE DO, introduce yourself here with anything if you'd like♥
You don't have to follow my format at all :3
I'm fine with really short intros and long ones xD
I love to learn more about you guys :)
Also, questions are welcomed^-^ I don't mind answering. ja! OVER. <--(pun intended)

messages from me to you~

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