i feel like its time to.. recap.

Apr 24, 2004 13:57

so as i sit here eating my warmed up lo mein noodles *YUM* im recapping everything that happened this past week.

it really scares me as to finding out what i found out about some people i graduated with. one of my good friends in HS, jordin kerbs, told me shes engaged. i honestly cannot believe some people.. who are 18!!!! are engaged. thats nuts. and then i found out this other girl i went to HS with, amy verberg, is getting married because SHES PREGNANT! Thats fucking nuts. Gawd I cannot believe that. I guess I'm still rather proud to say I'm a virgin. Not because of religious reasons because hell, we all know I'm not religious at all. And not because I think sex is going to be this wonderful amazing thing, just because, I dont think I'm ready to have to deal with that kind of shit afterwards. The whole idea of taking a chance and stuff.. plus being allergic to latex does kind of have a big effect on the decision. Haha. And as far as being engaged... hell I still haven't dated someone I truly care about... I still haven't gone into a relationship thinking "i want this to last as long as one can imagine." As scary as it seems, I think I probably will end up never getting married. I don't think I'll ever fall in love with someone who feels the same way about me. That really does terrify me. I don't want to die alone.

Besides that, this week has been really good. I went to the beach yesterday and attempted to get sun. That didn't really work. Ha. My skin is just officially bleached out. I got my tragus repierced too. I'm glad. I really like this piercing. I hope I don't have as much trouble with it as I did before. Theres only 3 more days of school left. It's great. I'm going home wednesday.. but I want to stay for Will Hoge. I absolutely love that man. His live performance is amazing. But... getting a hair appointment and shit comes first. I know, I'm lame. But seriously my roots are like almost an inch long! ick! No one can tell but I can.. I KNOW theyre there. I'm such a weirdo.
Alright well... im going to go take a shower now. I didnt get up til 2 today because *SOMEONE* decided to call our dorm room 5 times and then bang on the door/kick the door/write on our door at 5 fucking AM because he was drunk. Thanks mark.
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