Battlestar Galactica is over and I miss it already. It culminated wonderfully; really, it was beautiful.
The first hour of the finale I was a wreck -- the battle and attack on the Cylon colony just drained me.
And I boo'd my hoo a couple of times.
I loved the interplay between the CnC and the Opera House scenes and music from the end of season 2.
I've been very curious about a few aspects of the writing of the show. Of the arcs that were completed in the finale, (a) which ones survived intact from the conception of the show, (b) which arcs were retooled from their conception, and (c) which arcs were created in route.
I ask this because of some of the changes and too easily delivered plot points along the way. For instance, when Ellen makes her debut middle of season 1, she and Saul are drunkards, and living with Ellen is torture just about up through her death on New Caprica. But in the finale the beginning of their arc is rewritten emphasizes their original love, love, love on Caprica, back in the good old days.
If we knew from the series premier that "there are only 12 models", and along the way there are a "final 5" within that, don't we have a couple of problems? First of all, the "final 5" aren't final at all: for this generation of Cylons they were progenitors, which at least Cavil knew because supposedly he interrupted their last resurrection long enough to prevent them from having memories of being Cylons (how convenient), having lived on the original Earth, coming to the Colonies to prevent the cycle from starting over, etc.
And if only Cavil knew there were 12 models, per the premier is he the one who put the note in Adama's quarters? Maybe, but why would he bother, and why would he order anyone to do so? Do we have to assume that Boomer during her conflicted awakening did that? And if not, do we have to rely on an 'angel' doing so? If this is how that happened, we're getting a little too deus ex machina for me. Then again, I'm living in a state of cognitive dissonance, since I'm swallowed the use of angels in the story.
How's everybody else coping with the end of BSG?