Life update and becoming the whumpee

Feb 11, 2020 10:47

I really apparently disappeared off LJ. I every now and then would surf and see people still around, thank goodness, but I sucked at posting anything.

I actually spent time watching SGA the other week when I flew down to San Diego. I am off of work on medical leave until March so thought why not re-watch. It was a lot of fun but I only got a few episodes in and I may take some time to keep the watch party going.

Reason for being in San Diego...brain surgery. Go figure, something I put poor Sheppard through repeatedly. I was diagnosed in October with a benign tumor called an acoustic neuroma. Some grow slow, some don't grow at all, mine was growing 3x the typical rate and causing a lot of problems so specialist team at UCSD said surgery sooner rather than later was what they recommended. I had to travel to UCSD for care because it's kind of a rarer tumor and requires a specialized team, the more experienced the team the better the results and post op state. I was very blessed that my insurance allowed me to go to UCSD.

It is amazing how something so major, our bodies cope with so well. I had surgery on the 28th and was discharged on the 30th when I said 'hey, I'd like to leave'. :) I had to pass their tests which I did so we got to shift to the hotel. That part sucks, recovering in a hotel, waiting to get clearance to fly home.

Recovery is a long process with milestones but I am now two weeks into it so there is that. Steroids - horrible things. I was on massive doses and then the coming off them, sucked more because my body went into full on 'wth are you doing to me'.

Things I learned - surgery is not as simple as I always thought thanks to TV. Did you know there are multiple IVs? I had three, it was crazy. Having constant neuro checks...gets old. Ironically, post op throwing up really doesn't bother you as much because you are so out of it, really just almost an automatic process your stomach does and you are kind of there for the ride. Not like being sick with a stomach virus and feeling horrible. Going into AFIB with RVR...hurts.

My first time actually having a significant health issue, hopefully the last, but yeah, TV really doesn't do a good job at representing reality (go figure!).

Poor Sheppard, I feel slightly guilty now!

Also, I love my family. We spent the months leading up to surgery using alliterations for my tumor. Aggravated acoustic neuroma, annoyed acoustic neuroma, my youngest was the instigator. Of course now it is absent acoustic neuroma because the surgeons got it all. I also was dubbed frankenstein for my massive scar/staples/incision. Taking it full on with humor made a huge difference. Friends also offered to support it was a bear bite for an inspired story. :)

So there is my update. I really should do better than years between posts, yikes...

Check in people, tell me how you are doing, if you found any new fandoms that are creating the same love as SGA (gosh I miss that show!).
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