Feb 21, 2008 01:13
So, last night I read something that I still don't want to believe. I hate that my mind can piece things together so easily. I really hate it. I go to Virginia to visit my cousins and take my mind off of all of it...it almost worked too... I read a book the entire way up and just hung out with the fam. it wasn't too bad of a trip... We get home at 1am and I find out that my car has been egged! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?! The worse part is that the egg shells and yolk are frozen to my car and mixed in with a sheet of snow and ice. The dickweed that did it even left the fucking egg carton beside my car.
Really? can I get just one night where something doesnt fuck my day up?!?! I keep telling myself that it's just egg and shit but I know I'm gonna be even more pissed tomorrow morning when I go outside (before work) and see just how bad my car was it...It looks like the asshole unleashed the whole dozen. It wouldnt be so bad except it's FROZEN ON! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!
Editor's Note: Apparently a few cars on my street got hit...my car just got it bad