Title: Purple Pairing: SasuNaru Rating: NC17 Chapter Rating: NC17 Warnings: Sexual themes, language Summary: It's hard learning how to save peoples lives when you're so busy trying to save your own.
*is dead* You know, it makes sense to have waited so long for this because it couldn't be more perfect. I'm so glad you decided to go with the alternating narration, though what I really enjoyed the most was watching Naruto's thoughts as they repeated over and over, and then as they got confused/disordered...har har.X3 I'm still surprised he was able to distort real facts in his mind, except I now understand how and why. I think...bah, I'm too delighted to make a good comment. Here! *gives handshake* keep writing like this!
Half past 5 in the morning. Only epilogue left. If I pass out in the club dressed as a vampire (creative, huh? it was a last minute decision to dress up XD) in 15 hours, I'm blaming you! :D
Okay so I bumped into this awesome piece of art! on FF.net and loved it, but the epilogue left me with so many questions!!! what the hell really happened???
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what the hell really happened???
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