Oh Danny Girl

Feb 03, 2012 22:12

The silvery blonde paced in her cell anxiously, her crystal blue eyes fixed on the floor.  Ten steps left, ten steps right, ten steps back, ten steps forward, three small jumps in a circle.  A low growl sounded in her throat and her pupils thinned.  Enough.  She threw her thin frame against the frosted smooth walls and screamed her frustration as she slid ineffectively to the ground into a squatting position.  She covered her head with her arms and took a deep breath, making her eyes return to normal.

How did she even end up here?  Everything was a blur.  She could remember faded out faces and voices, a covert mission to spy, being caught and then turned loose.  She remembered the smell of a familiar club that she wandered into, seeking answers, and biding her time.  For what exactly?  Some moment.  Some pivotal moment to bring down the city her mother had brought her to.  Her mother.  Her mother was...Danae's nostrils flared in annoyance.  She couldn't exactly remember anything but the feeling of disgust and betrayal, maybe sadness.  Was it her fault she was here?  In a way, yes yes.  She wouldn't have been asked to destroy it if Raina had never brought her to this city.

But she had failed.  Hadn't she?  Sections of Paragon had been reduced to rubble.  Buildings had been demolished.  Hundreds of people were dead.  Was she at fault?  Had she done it?  She couldn't remember.  She remembered the objective, but not actually carrying it out.  She had merely been on the steps of city hall when the ground started shaking, right?

Danae shook her head in frustration.  She was just going around in circles.  Even if she was guilty, would she confess it to the guards she knew were posted somewhere right outside her cage?  Cage.  Her stance widened as her body grew larger and larger.  Her porcelain like features hardened and smoothed, becoming a strong shell like armor over her face and body.  Purple wisps of smoke seemed to rise off her skin and get swallowed up by the air.  A curious effect of this planet's atmospheric conditions.  Her small fists swelled and became the size of watermelons, before becoming encased in armor as well.  A roar rumbled out from deep within her chest  and she tilted her now helmeted head back to smash it against the wall.  Nothing.  She crashed her forehead again and again into it, but could barely scratch the surface, never mind break or dent it.

She swiftly spun and shrank down to the floor.  White fur quickly replaced the shell, growing in a wave, from the formation of her tail to her face.  Patches of black fur appeared in spots here and there, dotting her now white physique.  Danae curled into a medium ocelot ball on the cold floor, still except for her tail swishing to an unknown beat.  Her bright blue eyes closed.  She couldn't remember if she was guilty or innocent.  Time for a plan.

time travel, story, shapeshifter, prison, roleplay

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