Aug 07, 2004 16:24
Usually, when I write in this thing, I try to be organized and write about one-and only one-subject. But that's not at all how I'm like really.
I am completely, pointlessly, hopelessly, marvelously random. So this journal, in spite of my earlier efforts, will be, from now on, random too.
So this week I've rediscovered Diana Wynne Jones, quite possibly my favorite author-not counting manga artists because that's completely different-and that's saying a lot since I read at least 10 books a week.
And rereading some of her books made me think-or more specifically, panic. A quiet panic though.
You see, up until now I've been planning, quite foolishly, to be published by the time I leave HIgh School. I'll be a sophomore this september, so I thought, again, in my naive way, that it was a reasonable amount of time. After all, 3 years to write and get published? It's easy.
NOT. Why I ever thought, even for a second, that writing is easy is a mystery. Writing is about as far from easy as possible. at least for me it is. Still, I love writing; which is the problem, really. There's no way a person with my work ethic-which is to say, none-could force themselves (yes, I DO realize that his or herself is the correct term) to do any work, much less extremely hard work.
To say it simply: I'm far too lazy.
And another thing, while deciding that I would be published by the end of my senoir year, I forgot to factor in schoolwork,-in which I"m a hopeless, ruthless, overachiever-,friends, and family. So with that in mind, the total time I'll have to work on this nonexistant yet doubtless stupid novel dwindles from three years to about...three weeks.
I've never heard of anyone finishing a novel-a good one-in three weeks or less. Have you? I thought not.
Doomed. I am doomed...
But there's really nothing else I'd rather do. Or else I would have quit by now. And believe me, I've considered just about everything.
Yesterday, in the middle of my quiet, private panic, I even went so far as to think of a plot for my book. There are a few obvious flaws and details I haven't worked out yet. But here it is:
It will be set in the fairytale setting. And alternate universe in which all the people and creatures of fairytales reside.
The main character, whom (or is it who?) I haven't named yet, but for the sake of my fingers (which aren't used to typing) will be called Sophie for the rest of the entry, is the daughter of the court magician (Not a princess because I'm throughly sick of princesses).
She has a sort of curse on her, cast by her well meaning father, who's quite kind but went in over his head and is a bit sexist. You see, her father prophecised that his only child would be a daughter. That presents a problem since he needs a male heir to his fortune, and as I said before, he's a bit sexist.
So he tries to use a spell-which he made-to change her gender while she's still in the womb. It backfires of course, though the backfired curse is not discovered until later.
The curse is this: She cannot do anything she sets her mind too. For example, she is determined to please her parents by learning something such as sewing. But since she decided to do that, she cannot. her sewing is horrible, and her parents are not pleased. She cannot have a goal, or it backfires.
She runs away from home, and meets all sorts of people, a grumpy wizard who turns her into a bird, a prince who'd rather be a rock, and a wizard like Howl.