Jun 17, 2004 08:59
Yes, today is the last day of school, and 2/3s of the school didn't bother to show up. of course, we already knew that...
I don't know whether I should be sad or happy...Well, actually, I know I should be happy-estatic-but, I think I'm more sad...
Everyone's leaving or moving and I'm having over-dramatic-you-ABANDONED-me!!! syndrome...but it's true, I'm the only one of my friends who is not going on vacation or moving.
I hate it when I'm over dramatic...
This summer is going to suck, SO MUCH...There's nothing(trust me, NOTHING) for me to do all summer...and make my life suck a little MORE, my sis is coming home for the summer.
To illustrate how much I like my sister:
Life with sister at home=hell
Life without sister at home=heaven
I think that sums it up pretty well.