Nov 23, 2012 16:52
I had two odd dreams last night/today. The first one I already scribbled down but the second one I just had. It was like I was in some singing class/musical class and we all had to pair up in two's for our songs because they were gonna test us two at a time. I had gotten Whitney Houston's "Miracles", a very lovely song that I can very much sing. I was looking it over with one of the other students who also had the same song as me and while singing a testing note, one of the other students felt some need to try to over sing me. I was tempted to outsing them - I was only doing testing notes so I could get the flow of the song down - but somehow thought "I'll get in trouble again, they're annoying me tho. This ain't a competition." Apparently time passed and I didn't really study the song because I thought it was a piece of cake. Then the day of testing happened and I totally forgot about it 'til the teacher walked in. I only had the second half of the song with me and was getting worried about getting the first. My partner tried to help me out by showing me his copy but the teacher demanded he get tested first. While the partner was getting tested, I took this time to hop on the computer but it's like I had this weird touchscreen keyboard and it would spell just about any and everything but Whitney Houston "Miracles". I still pressed "Search" because I thought that it would do a "Showing results for 'Whitney Houston's Miracles' instead of' so on an so forth". Ain't work.I was not happy because it was my turn and I tried to flub for time until I had to come clean. I was so worried the teacher would outright fail me I pretty much begged to let him take a couple points off but let me still search out the song. The teacher, through some stroke of fortune, agreed. He was waiting for someone so he had some time to kill. I furiously looked for the lyrics online and got to this one singing site and thought I could print it. It printed me a beaded stone stretch bracelet with the words inscribed in either Theban, Ethiopian or some not-easy-to-read text. I was not happy. I tried looking again and came upon a site full of music lovers and lyrics. I tried clicking on the correct song but it took me to one of the members' profile page. I was getting quickly agitated. I just wanted the freakin song! I still try to stall for time until one of the other teachers come in to tell him that the person he was waiting for already left. Then they started having a conversation about Houston, inspired by my thick notebook with only half the lines written on them. I still was trying to look but instead of printouts, I kept getting stone stretch bracelets. I tried to hide them because I didn't want the teacher thinking I was playing around, I hid one in the emergency water valve and I think the other one I wore under my sleeve. When I had juuuuuust happened on to a site that would print the lyrics on paper, the internet decided to get slow but partly functional and print. Before I could see the computer get the print screen up, I woke up. XD
psi and metaphysics