Its finally up!!
Took me lots of eye-power, photoshop-power, knitting-power, watever-power to make this happen!
So here it is:
The classic beau of the modern times
(2nd photoshoot)
My 3rd photoshoot for Yuki was much(much) better than the 2nd.
I simply couldn't take non-flurry pics until I'm close to the last few photos for the 2nd photoshoot.
Damn shaky hands and empty pockets man!
But ultimately, I've got the trick to taking sharper photos, say 60/100 compared to the last 10/100.
Applied to the 3rd photoshoot, and *ta-da*
And I say... Yuki is getting naughtier every passing day... *sighs*
Kawaii Baby
Dressed in her new knitted "dress", Yuki went for a morning photoshoot in her agency studio.
And they've decided to let her go on cover with her new dress!
Back in her newly-half-furnished home...
Enjoying some peaceful moments.
Yuki: *hmm?*
Yuki: My worktime is over! *push*
*ouch* (= _ =)
*shuffles shuffles*
Yuki: Hmm? Its you! :)
Yuki: I'm reading my dino-book... Look! its so cute! Wait!! Are you taking my pictures AGAIN?
eh....hehe :P
Yuki: My worktime is over ner! *covers covers covers*
Win... you win...
Yuki: *flashes bimbotic-miss-universe smile and waves* Byeeeeee~ hehe.
Lastly, heres a photo of Yuki and I :)
The photo is too blur(again) so thus the effect to hide the blurry-ness~ LOL XP Blame my shaky hands!
(3rd photoshoot)