Okay~ I'm bored XP

May 29, 2006 12:02

関ジャニ∞を愛するeighterに究極の選択バトン (The Ultimate Selection Baton for Eighters who love Kanjani∞)

Q1 付き合うなら? (If you're going to date someone, who would it be?)
A ドMな錦戸亮 (Extremely M Nishikido Ryo)
B ドSな渋谷すばる (Extremely S Shibutani Subaru)

<- this man!
Actually, do I even need to choose?! XD

Q2 結婚するなら? (If you're going to marry someone, who would it be?)
A ありえないくらいめんどくさがりな横山裕 (Unbelievably lazy, Yokoyama Yu)
B 何事にもキッチリしすぎている村上信五 (Precise and strict about anything and everything, Murakami Shingo)

Abit difficult ne~ Yoko? Cos he can cheer me up when I'm unhappy or sad~ haha. 

Q3 友達にするなら? (If you're going to be friends with someone, who would it be?)
A 悩みには親身に相談事に乗ってくれる安田章大 (Will kindly listen and discuss any worries or problems you have, Yasuda Shota)
B 暇さえあればパーン!明るくていつも笑顔の丸山隆平 (If there is free time, Bang! A very bright and always smiling Maruyama Ryuhei)

MARU!! *Purin~ PANG*

Q4 一緒に登校するなら? (If you're going to attend school with someone, who would it be?)
A 学ラン姿の内博貴 (Gakuran wearing Uchi Hiroki)
B ブレザー姿の大倉忠義 (Blazer wearing Ohkura Tadayoshi)

OKURA!!!!! ♥

Q5 一緒に料理するなら? (If you're going to cook with someone, who would it be?)
A 毒を吐きつつも手伝ってくれる錦戸亮 (Not very nice or patient, but helps nonetheless, Nishikido Ryo)
B 手つきが怪しいけど一生懸命手伝ってくれる丸山隆平 (The ways he does things is suspicious, but he tries very hard to help, Maruyama Ryuhei)

HAHAHAHA~ Ryo chan of course! He can cook fried rice under 3 mins XD

Q6 どっちの行動が好き?(買い物に行ったときあなたが重い荷物を持ってる場合) (Let's say that you went shopping and you're holding the heavy bags. What kind of behavior/action do you like?)
A 何も言わずに重い荷物を持ってくれる大倉忠義 (Not saying anything, holds the heavy bags, Ohkura Tadayoshi)
B 素敵な笑顔で「荷物持とうか?」村上信五 (With a dreamy smile, asks, "Want me to hold those bags?" Murakami Shingo.)

Itsumo damatte iru no OKURA

Q7 メールするなら? (If you were to e-mail someone, who would it be?)
A 絵文字いっぱい!!内博貴 (Lots of pictographs, Uchi Hiroki)
B 絵文字一切無し!!横山裕 (Not a single pictograph, Yokoyama Yu)

Uchi :P I love pictographs

Q8 あなたのためだけに歌ってくれるとしたらどっちを選ぶ? (If someone would sing a song, only for you, what would you choose?)
A 大阪ロマネスクを歌ってくれる渋谷すばる (Sings Osaka Romanesque, Shibutani Subaru)
B 10年後の今日の日もを歌ってる安田章大 (Sings 10nen Go no Kyou no Hi mo, Yasuda Shota)

SUBARUUUUUU! The voice is LOVE :)

Q9 大阪ロマネスクのような恋をするなら?(この質問のみ8人の中から1人だけ選んでください) (If you were to have a romance like Osaka Romanesque, who would it be with? Pick 1 out of the 8 of them.)

♥♥♥♥♥RYO-TAN ♥♥♥♥♥

Q10 最後にeighterのお友達5人にバトンタッチ!!(Baton-touch 5 Eighter friends!!)
I don't know who wants to do this... except

Please feel free to do this if you like K8!
Credits to debbie for the translation! :D

meme, nishikido ryo, kanjani8

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