Within the roleplay characters may posses special 'powers' that are derived from the fandom the character is from. However, this is not a rule, and players may take powers from other fandoms to use for their character instead, considering the roleplay is an AU setting.
For example, a character from Tenipuri (Prince of Tennis) could choose a power from any fandom as there are no special powers within the series. Likewise, a character from a series like D.Gray-man could change to follow the powers of a character from X-Men etc. There are no limits as long as players can explain where the powers are from. Powers that are far too powerful will not be accepted. Please do not try to have a power like ultimate immortality, as this will be seen as God modding.
If you wish to use a power from a series like X-Men, please be aware that powers like telepathy will need to have some limit to them. It isn't fair for other players if your character goes around reading everyone's minds.
Some examples of powers from series are:
D.Gray-man: Ability to use 'Innocence'
Bleach: Shinigami powers, other special powers like Sado (Chad) or Orihime's etc
FullMetal Alchemist: Alchemy, ability to look like someone else, 'ultimate shield' etc.
X-Men: Telepathy (with limits), Telekinesis (with limits), super strength, specific elements such as manipulating ice etc.
Tales of the Abyss: Ability to use Fonic Artes or special fighting techniques
Or, if you'd rather just stick to normal combat (various martial arts, shooting skills, etc.), that would be perfectly acceptable.
If you are uncertain, please do not hesistate to contact memoryofthe14th on AIM or send an e-mail to 14thnoah@gmail.com for more information.