Jun 18, 2009 01:21
The start of my afternoon wasn`t fun.:P I didn`t realize that my dark circle are that visible until after putting on my foundation.>.< I guess sleeping like 4am everyday will get you dark circle...-_-
For your information I don`t really wear make-up normally because my skin is very sensitive.+_+ Then I had to rush to Meguro right after class thinking I`m going to get lost and be late because after many years of live-going I still haven`t been to RockMeiKan.LoL
RockMeiKan sure is as tiny as I imagine, it still make me wonder how they are going to fit around 300 people in there for the other nights. The stage is so tiny that made me wonder how on earth are they going to fit Jasmine You and Hizaki on those tiny stage.6_6 That is no barrie too, which was interesting.
In my honest opinion I think that tonight is the kind of experience that we won`t be able to experience again with Versailles. The band is bascially in your face. I have to figure how to do furi and saku without hitting my friends in front of me or the member.U_U Eventhough, I got push a bit near the end, I still feel that this is the most comfortable Versailles Live that I`d been to.;) However, I must thank the tiny stage for making one of my greatest desire came true.:D That is to touch Kamijo-sama`s coat.<3 At one point when I got pushed toward the front, his coat was dangling right in front of me. The thing that went on in my head at that time: `OMG, Kamijo-sama`s coat! What do I do...touch it or don`t touch it?` My curiosity always take the better of me, so obiously I end up touching it. That was one interesting fabric you got there Kamijo-sama, but it must weight like hXll and it be very hot wearing it. My bonus was touching the bottom part of Hizaki`s skirt. Basically there was one time that I lost my balance and my hand happened to land on his skirt. I went like `Cool~ I know this fabric.`:D
Oh yes, forgot to mention but they were wearing their Lyrical Costumes. I wonder if they will be wearing thoses for every single night or not. After seeing how much they were all sweating if it were me I wouldn`t want to be wearing those again so soon.~_~
There wasn`t anything major interesting on the MC. However, there is this one cute moment where Kamijo asked each of the member their feeling and such, but when it came to Hizaki he asked him, `Do you like Kamijo?` Hizaki didn`t answer but his gesture was a `yes`. Hizaki was so cute~<3 Hizaki is also so pretty, eventhough I`m a girl I`m still jealous...^^` To me he is even prettier than a real girl.
The set-list, I got no clue... Beside trying not to hit anyone I have this kind of thing running thru my mind most of the time: `Oh so You-sama`s fabric is like that and Teru-kun`s is like that... Now if I can only see Yuki-san`s....`
For hosting an International Night kind of event, they got no English speaking staff. That was still the thing that puzzled me the most. Sure there will be some of us who know Japanese, they went to the trouble of organizing an international night and all, I thought that they would had thought of having at least 1 English speaking staff handy.
Well there was someone who helped translating thing, but she was coming for other job and not as a translator.
One more interesting thing is that some of us got interview by Nihon Terebi.6_6
I gotta go now. Have fun and good night dear readers.:D
PS.One I hate doing after a live is more homework.+_+
jasmine you,