My boots from An ten na arrived!^^

Sep 13, 2007 16:32

I bought this boots from An ten na webshop via Rakuten shopping site.^^

I always wanted a lolita-ish boots and found this pair very cheap too! It's like 2000yen + 420yen for shipping. Not too bad for a pair of boots. As far as I know you cann't even buy normal boots for that price, so I'm very happy right now.^___^(eventhough I haven't sleep for 1 day already, I was burning the mid-night oil finishing off my homework.:P)

Ah, there're so many things I want to write about, like rant about not going to Hizaki Grace Project Live last Sunday (because the next day was my first day of school), my new term and life at school, and my sewing projects. Unfortunately I have to force myself to log off and do my homework now, otherwise I would just spent hours on the internet again....+_+ (guessing I'm an internet addict by now...hopefully it's better than Ya-baa.)

Good day and good night dear readers,


lolita, school, an ten na

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