Well, today exams were bad and I mean real bad. I might fail them and get kick out ne.@_@ Still got one more tomorrow and maybe I'll do better on that one. *fingers cross*
At least Kamijo-sama, or rather the SAS's staffs, made my day. Now you can download Kamijo-sama's VDO footage in USA from their official site. I know it's his birthday and that's why they launched a new site ne.^^ *Happy Birthday, Kamijo-sama!!!* Still I'm extra happy after feeling so down about my exams. ^.^' In order to download the VDO you need to register with Syncl site. After registering you could download this special VDO for free.^^ (You have to pay for the others though.)
Ok, let get back on track and start talking about the cover story for today already.^^ I'm not one that usually dream about thing. However, I do dream once in awhile and yes I did dreamt last night.^^ I'm sure any Fleurs would probably had this dream at least once in their fandom.^^ You guess it, a date with Kamjio-sama!(LoL) Strange though cause I see Mayu in my dream too.^^ (wonder what he is doing now ne) The dream was actually in Japanese.@_@ (something very new to me.^^' Yes, I had dreamt in English or Thai before during my lifetime up until now.)
The dream actually went something like this. I went to either a live or an instore event that of Lareine though and not Versailles. (I'm not so sure which one it was.) It was probably after the event and I was waiting outside and ran into Mayu. He went like, 'Why don't you go and see Kamjio?' I asked him how did he know that I was a Kamjio's fan. He shrug, 'It's obvious. Blue rose, blue dress. Need I go on?' (me= sweatdrop^.^') How Kamijo-sama agree going on a date with me is still a mystery to me. (eventhough it was in my dream-world.) We went around town eating, shopping etc. At then end before parting I went like,'Ah, we took so many photos, but it ashame that I won't remember any of these. And you would probably delete my photos anyway...' Kamijo-sama went like,'It can't be help...' At this point tear were starting to fall down from my eyes, but I wasn't really cry though, it's just the sorrow of parting.^^' Then I woke up...and was like *what kind of a dream this is?!?!*@_@ (*maybe I should just go and write a fanfic or something~*)
It's one of those dream that you don't want to forget ne.^^ And yes, I do need a real-life boyfriend, so I could stop dreaming about my idol.^^' Perhaps my standard are too high and that's why I'm still single? *still searching ja*
I wonder what dream I will see tonight? (probably none cause I just dreamt yesterday.LoL)
Well good day and good night to you, dear readers.
Sweet dreams.
PS. I might had watched too much Final Fantasy 7 cutscreen, the part about Cloud and Aerith's date.^^'