May 02, 2007 22:15
Today is ノード・オブ・スケルツォ II 1st day.^^ (I still can't remember how to romanize that...) Aside form Juka I wasn't really listening to the other bands... However, Aile was ok for me.^_^
Strange that Juka's BGM intro is a Final Fantasy 8 intro music. @_@ Well, I'm not complaining or anything. Beside being a Fanatic fangirl, I'm also a RPG fan. What bother me is the song that Juka sang before the encore... I think i's might from Hizaki Grace Project... Well, it's sound like a Kamijo song. Just made me wonder whether it was suppose to be release for Lareine, if they didn't disband. I don't know, seeing/hearing Juka sings cheesy song is a new concept to me. (or maybe I'm too used to Kamijo-sama's vocal.) f^.^'
Like absolute Myself's and Sugar's music are not my cup of tea. However, I think Like absolute Myself is quite an entertainer. It's fun watching them. About Sugar, I just think that the vocalist have a nice vocal range.
Today the ticket for Versailles 1st Live was on sale, and Lareine - Best Album too. I bought both actually. The Best Album costed 3000yen instead of the 3150yen. I didn't catch all the Japanese that the staff was saying... I'm not sure if it just for today or for the remaining 2 days as well.
Ah, I'm tire now. Still gotta go and tidy-up my room before going to bed.^^
Good night or day, dear readers.
OT, since I don't have any picture of Kamijo-sama on my computer, I'm just using this picture taken from his blog for now.^^' Well, I like the picture as well, eventhough it's quite sad really... Taken on the day of the last Lareine's activity...
node of scherno,
ノード・オブ・スケルツォ II