
Nov 06, 2007 15:58

From what I gather, this is supposed to be a month where people blog everyday, but I suppose the best I can do is to blog at all. I don't even know what to put here it's been so long.

Well it's been a busy semester thus far and only getting more so. I'm taking 5 classes, all core requisites for one of my majors, so that's proving to be challenging. I have 3 huge papers due this month so I'll be pretty happy when that's all said and done, although that just means finals will be here.

In other news, I will unfortunately be unable to study abroad next semester. I just don't have the money for it, story of my life. That's alright though, that just means I get to work the election and I applied for an internship with the State Dept. for the summer, so we'll see where that goes.

I feel like this entry is so boring and flat, but really there isn't too much to say. I go to class, I hang out with friends, go to work, that's the gist of it. I mean my family moved a town over a few weeks ago but that's nothing earth shattering. I also made the firm, final decision to move off campus next year. I've got one roomie already, but I'm in no hurry to rush to find 2 others, that can wait till the spring.

I hope those of you that still read this thing are doing well. I still read all of yours so don't worry :)

*hugs and love to everyone*
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